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•Michael's POV•

Today was Gavin's first day at work without his crutches. It was awesome, because I didn't have to help him every two seconds.

We also got to be on the podcast, which was fun. But now that Gavin's fucking ankle's better, he does that weird thing the entire podcast where he can't keep his goddamn legs still. He almost got drunk, as well. Luckily, we ran out of beer. By the end of the podcast he was staring at the floor with his mouth hanging open like a fucking retard. Goddamn Gavin, fucking drunk.

The rest of the day was fine, though. After Gavin snapped back into sober-ness, we made some awesome Let's Play's. That night, Gavin came back to my house and we played some Xbox.

But I noticed something different about Gavin tonight. He seemed kinda... 'frisky.'


Anyone notice anything strange? Like maybe the fact that the story didn't end? Lots of you said you didn't want it to end, so I'll keep writing. It was also brought to my attention that their aren't very many long Mavin stories, which is definitely true. So I'll keep writing!

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