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•Gavin's POV•

When I wake up, a nurse is checking things. My face, mostly, examining scratches and wounds. After I sit up, she checks my arms and re-patches any scratches that need it.

After she leaves, I pick up my phone. Nothing from Michael, but then I realise. Fuck! I never texted Michael! I never texted him back!

I want him to know that I'm fine, that I just have scratches and a stiff, sore ankle, but then I decide to have fun with him.

If Michael really is driving all the way here to find me, it would be so much better when he gets here and sees I'm still alive.

So I wait.

A while later, two nurses walk in.

"Mr. Free?" one askes.

"Yes." I reply.

"We are afraid that you need x-rays," the other nurse begins, "You may have sprained, or even broken, your ankle. This may be the cause of your pain."

"Okay." I reply. They take me to a different room, take x-rays, and bring me back to my room.

They come back a half hour, maybe an hour, later with results.

"It seems," the first nurse says as she shows me the results. "you have a sprained ankle."

"Okay. Top." I say, sarcastically.

"But that's not a big problem," the second nurse adds. "We just need to wrap your ankle."

The nurses leave the room for just a second, coming back with a tray of materials. Seconds later, a doctor walks in.

The doctor asks my name, then asks a few questions as she wraps my right ankle. As she is completing this task, the two nurses leave and come back with a set of crutches.

"Where are you headed?" the doctor asks.

"Austin, Texas." I reply.

"I will fax information to your doctor in Texas, but you will need the crutches for at least two weeks." she says.

After she leaves, I am exhausted again. The pain medication I'm on is making me tired and dizzy, so I fall asleep again.

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