The Exiling

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Silverkit stepped out of the den, wincing every time her long back wound was stretched. She sat down underneath the Great Tree, its ten limbs each occupied by a leader. The grey kitten was struck with a sense of awe. Each limb seemed to be as wide as a single oak tree, and each branch was bursting with leaves and flowers. It was beautiful.

Silverkit tore her gaze away from the tree, letting her gaze rake across the cats surrounding her. Her body tensed in astonishment, her fur spiking out. FloraClan was huge! And noisy! There were so many cats, all mewing at once.

Deep breaths, Silverkit. Deep breaths.

For so long, the only cats she had seen were her mother, the Healers and their Testers, as the Testees were kept apart from the other cats. She spotted Moonblaze beside Sunpaw, who gave her a reassuring nod.

Marigoldflower let out a mew. "Quiet!" She paused as she waited for the Clan subside. Her gaze flicked over the few still-mewing cats, and they instantly quieted at the look in the Leader's eyes. Now certain that she had the Clan's attention, Marigoldflower continued. "Today, we have come to witness the trial of a cat that has broken FloraClan's most sacred rules. Brownkit, step forward."

Brownkit did so, trembling. Despite her courage and malice when pitted against other kits, no sane cat would be calm or confident when confronted by all ten leaders.

"Brownkit, you have attempted to kill a cat in your Testing, taunting her with something you knew she feared," Her gaze flicked to Silverkit briefly, lingering on the wad of cobwebs on her forehead, then her glare returned, harsher than before. "You have succeeded in killing Tankit, son of Kestrelwing, in a bloody match of Battle Testing," she spat so vehemently the statement almost ended in a hiss.

There were gasps of astonishment from almost every cat. The kittens in Testing were always kept in isolation from the rest of the Clan to ensure that no cat was given advice, meaning that most of FloraClan had no idea Tankit existed, but the simple idea of the killing of your own littermate was simply barbaric. The outrage in the Clan was rising as cats began to chant, "Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!"

Marigoldflower raised her voice, looking down at the terrified Brownkit. "And you have dared to defy a Leader of the Flowers! Not any Leader of the Flowers, but your own Tester, ignoring her direct order to stop." All ten leaders stood up, baring their teeth. Brownkit sunk even lower to the ground, her brown pelt touching the soil and her body tense.

The Clan below began to hiss in outrage, their chant rising in volume. "MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER!"

Marigoldflower flicked her tail, and the other Leaders joined in, their voices raising in volume. "The punishment for this is death! But FloraClan is merciful! Your punishment shall be exile!"

FloraClan yowled its approval. "EXILE! EXILE! EXILE! EXILE! EXILE!"

"No! No!" yowled Brownkit, pure terror in her copper eyes. "No! Please! Anything but exile! Kill me instead!"

The Leaders ignored the kit's pleas as the Clan's chants rose in excitement and volume. Together, they continued: "From the moment that this cat leaves our territory, she will never again be welcomed into FloraClan's borders. From this moment on, she is an enemy to us, and will receive such treatment. If she dares to set foot in this territory, mewling for food or shelter, she shall only receive a long and torturous death! Buzzardfang, take her away."

Buzzardfang stood up from his place among the crowd, his green eyes blazing with fury towards the young testee. He bared his teeth as he slowly advanced toward Brownkit, who shrank away in fear.

FloraClan yowled in furious satisfaction at Brownkit's punishment. "MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER!"

"NO! PLEASE!" yowled Brownkit as Buzzardfang roughly grabbed her scruff and she was dragged toward the camp exit and she feebly tried to attack him. "No! It was an accident! No!" Her mews faded away as she was was pulled out of the camp.

The Clan's eyes were ablaze with satisfaction as their chanting ceased. A murderer had been rightfully punished in their eyes, but--

Silverkit remembered Brownkit's terrified expression as she was dragged off, not sure whether she was satisfied with Brownkit's exile. On one paw, exile was a horrible fate, as there was almost nothing outside of the Clan's borders, mostly marshy swamps with no squirrels or mice. Death was kinder...

But on the other paw, Brownkit had killed her best friend and littermate, and almost Silverkit herself. The silver tabby felt torn.

Unbidden, the memory of blood cascading down her face suddenly returned along with the taunting voice, and her feelings of sympathy for Brownkit evaporated. That fox-heart got what she deserved! she thought fiercely. Killing Tankit and making me bleed...

Poppyflower stood up from her place on the tree, "On brighter notes, two young trainees are now ready to become full members of the Den of Hunters and Warriors. Larkpaw and Owlpaw, step forward."

The two trainees quickly stepped forward as Daisyflower and Cedarbranch gracefully leapt down from their places in the Great Tree.

Daisyflower placed her paw on Larkpaw's light grey head as she intoned: "Oh, Sun and Moon, the givers of light and life, look down upon me to approve my choice. Larkpaw, you have proved an excellent contributor to the Den of Hunters and Warriors. Your excellent stalking and leaping skills are held in the highest regard by every member of FloraClan. Shrewfoot, is your trainee Larkpaw prepared to take on the role of a full member of the Den of Hunters and Warriors?"

Shrewtail inclined her grey and black head. "She is ready, Leader of the Flowers."

"Then by the power granted to me by my position, I give you your name. Larkpaw, from this moment on, your name shall be Larkfoot, in honor of your silence of feet and the power of you leaps. The Den of Hunters and Warriors welcomes you as a full member."

Cedarbranch then placed his paw on Owlpaw's head and recited the words of the ceremony. "Oh, Sun and Moon, the givers of light and life, look down upon me to approve my choice. Owlpaw, you have proved an excellent contributor to the Den of Hunters and Warriors. Your excellent planning and fighting skills are held in the highest regard by every member of FloraClan. Fishclaw, is your trainee Owlpaw prepared to take on the role of a full member of the Den of Hunters and Warriors?"

Fishclaw flicked his tail in approval. "He is, Leader of the Trees."

"Then by the power granted to me by my position, I give you your name. Owlpaw, from this moment on, your name shall be Owltalon, in honor of your swiftness of your attacks and the shrewd planning as of an eagle. The Den of Hunters and Warriors welcomes you as a full member."

As the two leaders leapt back up to their places on the Great Tree, Roseflower raised tail, reminding the Clan not to call their names yet. "As is the custom, tonight you will stand guard to the Den of the Lesser Leaders. I am sure that they will sleep safer knowing you are guarding them." Roseflower settled back down in her place as the yowling began.

"Larkfoot! Owltalon! Larkfoot! Owltalon!" FloraClan's mews rang out through the camp.

As Silverkit joined in, trying to forget everything that had happened today, she suddenly recalled what Moonblaze had told her. Tomorrow it will be my name being called...

Well, hi (probably two) readers! Another chapter? Crazy, right? Unfortunately, that's how I roll. Chapters 1, 2, 3, what? 

So yeah, don't always expect everyday updates, but I'm currently feeling very accomplished! Yay!

So, what do you think of FloraClan? And Brownkit's exile? Is it a good/bad idea? 

Hope to possibly see your answers!


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