Chapter 5: Insecure

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Cry/Ryan's P.O.V.

My chest felt tight as my heart kept banging against my ribs, and my head was swirling. The blonde smiled, and turned to his bag, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and offering it to me.

I looked at his hand for a second before taking his scedual and looking it over...

We had this hour... third fourth and... seventh hour together, lunch too.

I couldn't help but smile as I handed it back to him; quickly writing 'We have five hours together.'

I handed the old, worn notebook to the blonde and he read it over, smiling again.

"Which ones? It would be nice to know anyone here."

I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter as I heard his smoothly accented voice again. God it was perfect.

I quickly scribbled the hours down, writing another X and holding it up so he could read it.

I saw a soft magenta flood his cheeks, and I felt my chest tighten. God he was hot...

He smiled politely and looked at me. "Okay cool! At least I'll have one friend here haha."

I smiled and nodded, staring at him awkwardly for a second...


Fourth hour. Honestly this day has been going pretty well for once. My last hour with the new kid was pretty fun, I learned a small bit about him like he really likes video games, and has a pet pug named Edgar.

He was really cute. Hopefully I won't drive him away with being the way that I am...

He walked into the classroom and I saw his sky blue eyes scan the room, landing on me and a wide grin spread across his face; making me smile back.

He made his way to the desk next to my own and sat down, grinning. "Hey Cry!"

I waved back, looking at him and pulling out my notebook again and writing down a quick greeting.

A while passed of us "talking" and doing our work, and I heard something that made my stomach sink a bit.

"Hey Cry...? Are you really mute?"

I froze, my pencil hitting the desk softly and my eyes widening.

Oh no... this is always when I loose potential friends.

What if he doesn't believe me? Or what if he thinks I'm an idiot for not being able to speak? What if he thinks I have a mental illness or... something worse.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, turning on my heels and leaving the classroom, making a b line for the restooms.

It's odd, yes, but I go there to get away for a bit. Calm myself.

The door closed behind me and I set my bag down, taking a deep breath and placing my hands over my face, gritting my teeth.

Stupid... stupid stupid stupid now he's GOING to think somethings wrong with you... stupid...

My hands started shaking and I slid down the wall, curling my knees to my chest.


I heard the door open, and footsteps follow.


A.N.  Sorry it's a bit of a cliffhanger!! But more is to come soon. Rianisme is writing the next chapter so get pumped for that!! Also next time there won't be such a long wait. Byeee~


Mute {Pewdiecry Collab W/ Rianisme)Where stories live. Discover now