Chapter 15- Long Forgotten

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I looked over at Ryan at lunch and saw him sit with the same group of people as he normally did. There is this girl with them. Apparently her name is Melissa and she is getting a little bit too close to Ryan for my liking, he is mine. Has he already forgotten that

I suddenly felt a blaze of pain through my jaw and remember what had happened earlier on during the day, Ryan had punched me. He didn't seem very sorry so maybe he really is the bad guy that everyone says he is.

I look over at Ryan again and see that Melissa has her hand on Ryan's arm and they are both doing sign language to one another so at least for now I know that there isn't any flirting happening as I can read the conversation

"Yo, Felix, stop getting so distracted bro"

I turned to see my friends Ken and Marzia look at me with joyful smiles on there faces. I knew that Marzia liked me but I only had eyes for Ryan. I wish I could say the same about him but he seems to have a thing her Melissa now.

"Sorry man, just not really feeling myself"

I murmured as I slowly started eating my sandwich, maybe I should take Ryan on a date tonight as we have been drifting apart a bit today and I love talking to him, well not really talking but you know what I mean.

"Anything you want to talk about Felix?" Asked Marzia with concern, I shook my head and that is when the bell rang. Guess it's time for Music class and luckily Ryan is in my class, and so is Ken.

I saw Melissa and Ryan stand together and walk past me and for once, Ryan didn't even look at me. He didn't even give me a second glance. I felt my heart shatter a bit but I tried not to think much of it.

Maybe I haven't been a great boyfriend to Ryan today. I mean I accused him of being a drug addict and an abuser, that was very wrong of me so maybe I should go apologise, yeah that's what I'll do.

I picked up my bag and me and Ken headed to Music class and said are final goodbyes to Marzia. That's weird, I didn't see Stephano all lunch.

As we headed into Music class I saw Ryan sitting beside Melissa and they were laughing to one another and Melissa even was wearing Ryan's glasses as they were laughing. She took them off and set them back on Ryan's face as to which he giggled at. He was so cute I swear.

The teacher walked in and took his seat at the front of the room. He started doing the role call and I was waiting for Ryan's name as I would always say he was hear so he didn't have to use his voice.

As the names listed past finally Ryan's name was the next name up and this was my way of showing Ryan that I hadn't forgotten about him


"He is present" said a feminine voice jut before I could say anything

I turned back and saw that it was Melissa who had told the teacher that Ryan was present, Ryan looked at me for a second and I smiled but he did not return it.
He just out his head down and started sketching on his notepad as he always did.

Melissa was watching Ryan's every move as she twisted her long brown chocolate curly hair around her finger and her large hazel eyes watched Ryan in awe. He really was a talented drawer, I won't deny that.

I took a closer look at Melissa and realised that she really was quite an attractive girl, but the only bad thing was. She was completely opposite of me, maybe I'm not Ryan's type, maybe he liked small, cute, dark haired girls.

I turned back to Ken and we all started taking down notes for class. I just want this day to be over so I can talk to my darling Ryan again.


I laughed with Melissa as she started telling me about her falling down the stairs this morning. She really is a very funny girl, and quite cute as well

"So Ryan, tell me, what has made you so quiet?"

She asked with curiosity, I sloppily did my sign language which luckily she understood and gave her the best possible answer for her answer

Honestly it's because I don't feel comfortable talking, I prefer being silent as I never draw attention to myself and I like being mysterious

She giggled at the last part but nodded, I felt like someone is actually listening to me for once and actually cares. Obviously Felix cares but maybe not anymore that he has all of his new friends. He said he might leave me because of the rumours he has heard about me. I started getting really angry at this. Well fuck him. I don't need Felix

"Hey Melissa, fancy going on a date with me tonight?"

A. N

Heyooooo!! So I really hope you enjoyed the chapter, and you all can thank Rianisme for this lovely chapter. As always stay gorgeous, and live on pals.


Mute {Pewdiecry Collab W/ Rianisme)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora