Chapter 14: Tell me the truth.

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Ryan's P.O.V

I exhaled, and ran my fingers over the cold stone walls of the hallway, my feet slapping against the waxed linoleum and a song playing through my head. Im jubilant. But at the same time, I'm angry. Im angry at myself, and I'm angry at people in general. I'm angry at society.

Felix is a popular kid. He mustn't really like me that way, right? But then again, if he does...

I paused and shook my head; thinking like that gave me a headache. I shouldnt let my temper get the best of me.

I heard footsteps ahead of me, but payed them no mind and kept looking at my feet, my pale blue converse giving me a sence of calm.

A hand suddenly grabbed my arm, and I panicked, twisting myself around and punching upwards into their jaw, causing them to cry out in pain. And my stomach sank. Recognizing that sweet voice I'd come to enjoy.

"God damn it Ryan it's just me! What the hell was that for! You could have broken my jaw!" Felix swore, hissing in pain and holding his jaw.

I stepped back and bit my lip, then carefully held my hand out and placed mine over his, then sloppily signed "sorry, I didn't know it was you."

I'd been practicing sign language so it was easier to communicate..

He swore again and groaned. "It's fine. Forget it. I just wanted to talk to you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, my hands clumsily signing "About?"

"Are you who everyone says you are. A drug addict. And just. A bad person? Are you not who I thought you were?"

My eyes widened, and my breath hitched in my throat. I'd only ever smoked weed for a short time, maybe cigarettes but... practically never. Only of I was stressed enough. But... I never hurt anyone purposfully. "Who said this?"

He shook his head. "Nothing to concern yourself with. Is that the truth, because if it is, I can't be with someone like you."

I panicked, and signed "no, it's not true."

"Tell me the truth Ryan"

He doesn't beleive me... his eyes are cold... and it scares me.

"No its not true. Listen to me. I'm not that person."

He narrowed his eyes, then sighed. "Okay. I beleive you... but im still gonna be cautious. You can still stay with me. Okay?"

I nodded, and exhaled as well.

"Okay good. Now... see ya."


Heya! I'm so so sorry for the long wait, but here she is! I'm still kinda sick but I'll pull through, thanks for being patient, and remember to give Rianisme some major loving for being the best babe ever!


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