Chapter 10: Kiss me

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Ryan's POV

Felix looked like he was panicking a bit and I was eager to hear what he was going to ask me.

I had my pencil in my hand waiting to respond to whatever Felix would have in store for me.

He finally looked me in the eyes and sighed and sat on the couch beside me, he took one of my hands that didn't have the pencil in it and held it tight.

I started blushing and he chuckles a bit at it but I sent him a fake angry look in response.

"Ryan, I have been meaning to ask you this all morning but I was terrified too"

He said looked into my eyes, I nodded and sent him a comforting smile, he smiled back and then looked down at my hand that was laying in his.

"Ryan, I have really liked you for a while now, and I was wondering if you would maybe, ummm like to be my boyfriend?"

I was speechless, literally.
Felix was looking down with a straight face and his eyes closed, he was terrified for my response.

I took my hand out of his and Felix slowly opened his eyes and watched my hand leave his. His eyes started tearing up at the thought of me not being with him.

I started to write 2 words on my paper and slowly slid it onto Felixs lap, he slowly opened his eyes again and read the 2 words.

He looked up quickly at me in shock and as he was about to speak I quickly leaned forward and pulled him into a kiss.

He quickly started kissing back, I pushed him down on the couch and climbed up on top of him. He starting running his hands up and down my sides in a loving way and it felt so right.

I licked the bottom of his lip asking for entrance and he granted me it, we started fighting for dominance and he let me win.

I felt his hand slowly make its way to my crotch, he took hold of it and squeezed it.

I let out of loud deep moan, I pulled away from the kiss to breathe and pulled Felix up with me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Felix fixed his hair the way that he always does which is adorable and he looked me in the eyes,

"I guess that is a yes then?"

He asked giggling and I smiled and nodded back.

I can't believe I let out that loud moan, it's actually hurt my throat because it's been so long since I have ever made a sound. Now he has a good idea of what I sound like, is this a good or bad thing?

Felix slowly stood up and stretched , i repeated his actions in a goofy way and he chuckled and messed up my hair.

"Hey Cry?"

Felix said looking at me with a huge smile. I nodded for him to continue and he pulled me into a hug, I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped them around my neck.

"I don't think I have been this happy in such a long time"

He whispered to me and I smiled so bright, it wouldn't hurt if i whispered something back right?
He couldn't tell what my voice is like through a whisper and I'm sure he would love to hear it back.

"Same here Felix, same here"

I whispered softly into Felix's ear, trying to hide my true voice as much as possible. I can never talk normally, I just can't.

Felix pulled away from the hug and looked at me with shock, probably because I just said something to him but not through paper. He smiled softly and kissed my cheek, I was truly happy

Felix's POV

I was so shocked at that little note he put on my lap, I broke eye contact with Ryan and looked on the floor. I bent down and picked up the note that said 'Kiss Me'

I shoved it in my back pocket and Ryan gave me a weird look.

"It's for a memento silly"

I said and Ryan smiled and sat back down and continued with his homework, I sat back on the floor and opened my book, but instead of reading, I just started thinking.

Ryan let out quite the moan when we were kissing, it was very deep, but very sexy.
Does that mean he has a deep voice then?
I wouldn't mind what voice he had but if he has a deep velvet like voice, I may go insane. Because that's really hot.

But then he whispered into my ear so softly and gently, it was adorable and I will never forget

'Same here Felix, same here'

I could still hear it in my head and it was adorable. I'm truly happy.




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