Chapter 7; Getting To Know You

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Cry/ Ryan's P.O.V

I exhaled and cracked my head, my mind wandering from the events earlier today, and I bit my lip.

I couldn't beleive he was... genuinely worried about me. This guy I had just met, nonetheless.

Either way, it was the last hour of the day, and the bell was only fifteen minutes away, so I could get home soon.

I twiddle my pencil in my fingers before slipping an ear bud into my ear and hitting the button on the cord with a soft click, music flowing from the small speakers and filling my head.

I dragged the led of my pencil lazily over the lined paper, sketching absentmindedly a man, crouched over with large protruding wings sewn into his back. Not attached. Sewn.

Symbolically he represented a man who had suffered, and yet had to prove to everyone that he could be holy, that he could fit in.

I guess... that man represented me in a way...

I pursed my lips and dropped my pencil, taking in a long breath and leaning back, staring off into space.

He was special... Felix was sweet and kind. He cared for others, regardless of who they were. If they were hurt he would help them. I admire that in a person, because I could never do that.

I've got enough problems as it is, it's very difficult for me to deal with other's issues unless I truly care for them. Even then it was hard.

Still though, I couldn't stop myself from just... admiring everything about him. From his appearamce, to his personality, to his outlook and to his voice. He was perfect.

The bell shrieked, snapping me from my thoughts, and making me sigh silently.

I slipped my notebook into my bag and stood, walking from my desk to the hall and into the sea of people.

I felt a hand grab my arm and I jumped in surprise. "Dude Cry! Chillax it's just me dude."

Jund grinned at me and laughed, walking beside me. "So, 8 noticed you hanging with that blonde kid. You uh... hitting it off~?"

I glared at him and rolled my eyes, flipping him off.

"I see, I see. Well, let me know when you two finally get together if you know what I mean." He sniggered, smirking at me.

I simply huffed and shook my head, flipping him the double bird before we came up to the rest of the group.

Russ looked at me and smiled, "so you and Felix?"

I held my hands up defensively and shook my head, making him give me the look. You know own the one. The "Don't give me that bullshit" look. I then hung my head in defeat and nodded, running a hand through my wavy brown hair.

Everyone started chattering, and Russ laughed, "Feyan. That's your ship name! Let me know the moment you two bang!"

I glared at all of them and shook my head, shoving my hands in my pockets and blushing furiously, waving shortly before turning and walking off towards the school doors.

As I pushed open the door, a familiar, sweet voice met my ears. "Hey Ryan! May I walk with you for a little bit?"

I glanced towards the voice and felt a smile etch it's way onto my lips, and I nodded, slipping my hand into my bag and pulling out my old notebook and a pen, just in case.

The blonde smiled widely and walked beside me, fixing his hair quickly before looking at me. "So Ryan, since it's Friday, I was curious. Would you like to hang out for a while? Just to... get to know each other a little bit more. I feel as if we're going to be good friends, you know."

I blushed softly and nodded, smiling and quickly scribbling a reply on paper. 'Of course, Felix. I would love to.'

Felix grinned, then looked at me, "Awesome! So, wanna come to the place I'm staying?"

I nodded in reply and walked along with him, finding that his home is rather close to my own, just a few blocks, actually.

We made small talk while we walked, well. Kind of. You know what I mean.

We stepped up onto the porch and he pulled out a small, gold colored key from his poclet, smiling as he unlocked the door and opened it, letting me enter first.

"Er... shoes off I guess, the carpet is pretty clean." He laughed, slipping off his shoes by the door and setting down his pastel blue backpack. I followed suit and smiled softly, looking around.

It was a very nice house, very warm and welcoming with art hanging on the walls and soft carpet on the floors.

The blonde let me into the living room and plopped down on  the couch, flicking on the television and handing me a controller. "You like video vames?"

Nodding, I grinned, looking at him.

He smiled. "Good."

Later on in the night, Felix and I had started talking, getting to know each other more.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your sexual preference? Like are you straight or gay or bi..?"

I quickly scribbled down the answer and held it out for him to read. 'I'm pansexual. I prefer personality over gender. What's yours?'

"I'm bi. I really swing both ways." He laughed and smirked, leaning back into the cushions; then suddenly became silent.

I looked at him, slightly unnerved by his sudden silence. As far as I could tell, he was a very... loud person.

'Are you alright...?'

He nodded and looked at me. "I'm fine it's just... you're the first person to accept me for my sexuality, really. I haven't told may other people."

'I'm sorry to hear that, friend. But no, of course it doesn't bother me. You're my friend.'

He smiled slightly and sat up. "Thank you, Ryan. I feel much more comfortable now. If you would like, you can stay the night here. It's getting rather late and I don't want you walking In the dark alone. Too scary, ya know?"

I smiled and nodded. 'I get you, man. And thank you, I would love to.'






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