Chapter 17: Not anymore!

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I walked past a coffee shop and there I saw Melissa sitting at a 2 person table, yet, she was alone. 

I opened the door and heated a small ring erupt as I entered the cafe. I walked towards Melissa and sat down next to her, she looked up at me in surprise.

"Oh, hello, Felix right?" She asked as she stuck her hand out to greet me, I smiled at her and took her hand in mine and shook it back.

"Yes it is, lovely to meet you, Mellisa? I asked if it was her name because I didn't want her knowing I had any connections with Cry or was watching them.

She nodded her head to confirm her name. She put her phone down and gave me all of her attention, she really was a beautiful girl.

"Hey, Melissa I have seen you walk with Cry a few times, have you seen him? I have been looking everywhere for him"

She looked up at me in surprise and eagerly shook her head at me

"Oh yes, he is here, in the bathrooms. We are currently on a date, don't tell him, but I really like him, even though he doesn't talk, I love the little letters he writes, he always adds a heart at the back of the ones for me"

She lightly blushed at me and giggled sweetly. I felt anger boil up inside of me but I gave her a fake smile to hide it.

"Aww your secret is safe with me, hey I really really need to speak with Cry about something and it could take a while, but it's urgent, could you maybe postpone the date? I'll tell him for you"

She frowned a bit but nodded her head, she picked up her things and slowly escorted her way out of the cafe, with her head held low.

I soon felt guilt prick at me but  I pushed it away, and quickly after Melissa's exit, in entered Cry.

He looked up and saw me and was in pure shock, which doesn't surprise me to be perfectly honest. I slowly stood up and reached my hand out for him to take it, and gave him a gentle smile.

He smiled back, but for some reason, it was his normal happy smile, it looks, also demonic. As I thought this, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, he had punched me. Guess I deserved that one...

He quickly got out his notepad and started writing quickly on it, he was clearly angry and I don't blame him.

"Where the hell is Mel?"

I looked up and him and frowned. But his face didn't change from the angry expression

"She is gone, I told her to postpone the date as I urgently needed to see you. I love you Cry"

He once again punched me but I didn't hit back, I deserved it, he didn't.

"Fuck you, you accused me of being a drug addict and an abusive person, I once was. BUT NOT ANYMORE!!!! But we are finished, I should have never trusted you"

He stormed out of the cafe and all I could do was watch him and I slowly sat back down, tears filled my eyes.

He was a bad person at one time, but apparently he has changed, all I want right now is for him to be back with me, where I know he is safe.


I ran out of the cafe and tried to catch up to Melissa, she is like 5ft, how fast can he little legs really take her.

After running for about 5 minutes I finally caught up to her and she appeared to be crying, I wonder what's wrong?

I slowly approached the beautiful crying girl and put a hand on her shoulder, she raised her head up at me and looked at me in shock. Her makeup had all smudged down her cheeks and it crushed my heart seeing her so sad.

I quickly took out my notepad and open it up to a clean page and starting frantically writing

Melissa, what's wrong? ❤

She smiled lightly and shook her head

"I really like you Cry, even though you don't talk. And I thought that maybe you didn't like me back and maybe liked Felix"

I looked at her in shock and frantically shook my head at her, even if it was partly true. I had a soft spot for both of them. I pulled the small girl in for a hug and she quickly wrapped her arms around me. She reached up and kissed my cheek.

Maybe I could get used to this


WOW has it been a long time, thanks to Rianisme for reminding me that this exists. Sorry for being so dead, I'm trying to focus on school as best I can, but I'm gonna try to be better. Sorry! Again thanks you Rian for being such a babe, I really love you, and I'm sorry.

Have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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