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As we walk in, we're hit by the aroma of  strong alcohol and the music is so loud, it feels like my ears are going numb.
"Let's get a drink," Jay leads me over to the kitchen. The kitchen is the only room in the house with normal lights, the other rooms have fancy, flashing disco lights. The kitchen table is lined with almost every alcohol available.
"Try this!" A boy with brown, curly hair, holds up a bottle.
"Thanks Josh," Jayden takes it from him and pours a tiny bit into two plastic cups.
"That's Josh," Jayden says as he hands me my drink.
"He plays drums in my band," Jayden never mentioned he had a band.
"Your band?" I ask inquisitively.
"Yeah, we're not very good. We play pop-punk in my basement," He laughs pulling me into an empty room, patting his knee as he sits down.
"What are you called?"
"With Confidence," Jayden says as he takes a few gulps out of his plastic cup.
"When can I see you play?" I ask, wanting to hear how good his band were.
"I dunno," he closes the conversation and hugs me tightly.
"Here," he mumbles pulling my face closer to his, his breath with a linger of alcohol stench. He looks into my eyes before I move my lips into his. I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull gently, making a moan slip out of his mouth.
"Mia.." he pulls away, "I like you." He mumbles then pushes his lips back to mine, picking me up and pressing me against the wall as he places his hands on my hips.

We're interrupted from our moment by the lights going off and someone's high pitched scream.
"Come on," Jayden takes my hand and pulls me to the living room where everyone is crowded around Luke.
"It's gonna be fine," Jayden kisses my ear. Everyone turns to look at the door as the police cars flash outside.
"Is everything okay Mr Rockets?" One of the neighbours comes up to Luke.
"Yeah, just a power cut," Luke smiles and ushers his neighbour out. One of the policemen get out their car and look around the living room at all of Luke's friends.
"We got a report about some screams?" He says getting his phone out.
"It's fine, the power just went off," Josh steps up and reassures the man.
"I'll fix it if you would like," Jayden volunteers. The policeman nods and leaves the house, signalling that it was fine.



Another update because you guys are awesome! There are only 2 With Con fanfics on Wattpad so it's kind of a battle. The other one is winning by about 20 views but it's probably better than mine. I'm overwhelmed as mine was at 113 yesterday night and now it's at 147.

Thank you all so much!!!
Mia xo

Say You Will (A Jayden Seeley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now