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"Heyyyy," Jayden walks up to Luke and gives him a bro hug.
"Hey Abbie!" I smile, greeting my new friend from yesterday.
"Let's hit the shops!" Luke laughs, grabbing Abbie's hand and pulling her inside hmv. I look around at the rock/pop albums for a while before deciding on buying A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! At The Disco. Once I've bought it, Jay pulls me to the vinyls.
"I'd like to have one of my band's vinyls up there one day," he laughs, flicking through the records in awe.
"Pick one," he steps back and lets me pick any one.
"This one?" I hold up American Idiot by Green Day, one of the first albums my dad told me to listen to. My dad moved away when I was really young, he told me that he didn't love my mum anymore and wanted to start a new life. We still call each other sometimes but my mum and him never interact anymore. I turn the sleeve over to see a preview of the disk, a black disk with crimson red drips of blood, like the album cover.
"I don't have a record player," I frown and put the album back in it's place. Jayden picks it up again and pushes it into my arms.
"I want you to have it so we can play it at mine," he hugs me from behind and rests his head on my shoulder.
"PDA!" Abbie shouts, peeking over the shelves at us.
"Shut up!" Jayden chuckles as we head over to the till.
"One of the greatest albums ever!" The cashier remarks as he scans the barcode.
"It's very good!" I nod and take the record, Jayden handing over the money.
"Thank you." We thank the man and join Abbie and Luke, who are waiting outside the shop.
"I need to get some plectrums," Jayden pulls me towards the guitar and drum shop. I watch as his eyes flick from one pack to another of plectrums, all hung up neatly on the wall.
"What's your favourite colour?"  He asks me weirdly, looking at my eyes.
"Turquoise," I point to some which are exactly my favourite colour.
"We'll get these then," Jayden hands over the correct amount of money and the man hands him his plectrums in a small bag, decorated with the store's logo and a website.

Next we go in a small essentials shop and buy Oreo chocolate and Monster energy drinks for all 4 of us. We drink/eat them while sitting on one of the benches in the middle of the indoor area. Luke points out an old lady wearing an all pink tracksuit.
"Fashion sense goals," Jayden laughs.
"It's not a fashion statement, it's a death wish," I quote MCR and Abbie laughs lightly, causing Luke to laugh, then Jayden until we are all laughing pointlessly at the quirky old lady who has almost turned a corner now.

"Look who it is," Lena, her face showing a sarcastic smirk, approaches us.
"Lena," Luke stands up.
"Ugh, Mia," she looks at me like I'm a piece of dirt.
"What are you doing with my boy!" She growls, facing me. Jayden stands up next to me, holding my hand in his.
"He's actually mine," I say through clenched teeth.
"Wrong answer," she exclaims and pushes me on the ground, pinning me down with her knees.
"Jayden," I squeak, trying not to make eye contact with the bitch.
"Lena, what the hell?" A girl, one of her friends, runs over and pulls her off me.
"Why are you doing this?" Another girl holds her from coming closer to me, unfortunately she squirms free and hits me, hard. Jayden holds up his first and threatens Lena.
"Austin!" She screams and a tough looking guy runs to her.
"What's wrong baby?" He kisses her cheek, glaring dirtily at Jayden and I.
"He was about to beat me up," she wails.
Next thing I know, I'm on the floor, crying next to a beaten up, bloody Jayden.
"Jayden," I sob shaking his shoulders gently.
"Dude, can you hear me?" Luke shouts.
"I think its time for you to leave," Abbie successfully pushes Lena and Austin away.
"Is he okay?" Abbie asks sitting next to me on the floor.
"I'm not sure," I start to panic.
"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry," I sob, wanting this all to end instantly.


Hey guys, I know I've only just got off my small break buttttt I'm not going to update tomorrow and it's for a very important cause.

My dad is doing a bike ride from Newcastle to London all in 24 hours and we're going to see him in York as he stops off there. He has collected money for it and we are donating it to Macmillan Cancer Support who helped my family and looked after my grandpoppie on his last days. I'm also going to London on Sunday to see him finish the race and I might get to go to hmv :)

I'm gonna do a double update on Monday though so you don't miss out on the story.

The first chapter of this has 183 views ugh one less plz. Thanks for 900!!!!

Mia xo

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