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*The Next Day*

"What are we doing today?" I ask Jayden as we walk down to Luke's.
"Well, we're gonna release one of our songs onto sounds cloud," he says, as excited as a cute puppy.
"I'm so proud of you guys! But most proud of you," I say, standing on my tiptoes and quickly kissing his lips.
"Which song?"
"Stand Again," he smiles as we knock on Luke's door.
"Wazzup?" Luke cheers as we go into his basement.
"I borrowed some recording equipment from Ini's dad," Josh says, adjusting the mics. I sit next to Bet on the sofa while we watch the boys practice.
"I'm so proud of them!" I laugh as I see the concentration on Jayden's face as he tunes his bass.


"And it's.......up!" Jayden shouts running over and picking me up, spinning me around. Luke's mum comes down with drinks and pizza for all of us. She gives Luke a massive hug and compliments all of the boys, Luke's dad comes down too and congratulates them.
"I'm so glad we chose to make a band!" Ini exclaims.
"Me too," Josh, Jayden and Luke say at the same time then they all laugh.
"And I'm so glad this girl stood by me through this," Jayden pulls me into his side and kisses my forehead, earning a few 'aww's from everyone.

We decide to invite some friends over and have a party in the basement, with Luke's parents permission of course. I text Abbie and my friends Alexis, Lucy
and Jen, who recently woke up from her coma, thank god, I wouldn't be here without her support in the past.

"Hey gurllll!" Alexis runs to me and hugs me tightly, her curly hair flowing behind her.
"I've missed you so much!!" I say, we haven't seen each other for a month. Abbie, Jen and Lucy arrive shortly after.

We end up getting stupidly drunk and doing karaoke, which was really funny. Me and Jayden sung The Anthem by Good Charlotte. The night is ended by the boys performing Stand Again for all of the guests.

"That was amazing!" I say once all the guests have left.
"Thank you babe," Jayden slurs, pushing his lips to mine.
"Jayden you're very drunk!" I giggle and help him walk home.
"See you tomorrow babe," he kisses me goodbye as we reach his door and I walk home alone.

When I get home I listen to Stand Again while getting dressed and I sing it drunkly. I turn off my phone and the lights then get to sleep.



I'm sorry this is a bit short but it's kinda a filler but kinda not. Anyway, they released their first song!!!

Gotta (Ini) Go,
Mia xo

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