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I wake up to the sight of Jayden sleeping peacefully, his chest rising up and down with his soft breaths. His arms have snaked their way around my waist and have pulled me up against his chest. Cautious not to wake uo the sleeping beauty, I attempt to wiggle free of his arms only to be pulled back seconds later.
"Jayden," I groan.
"Mia," he opens his eyes gently and I'm once again caught in by his beautiful eyes.
"We need to get up now, it's one in the afternoon," I point at the digital clock by his bed.
"Shit, I was meant to meet with my friends," He panics, standing up quickly and gathering clean clothes.
"Um, I don't have any clean clothes," I mumble and Jayden turns back to look at me, slightly confused.
"Here, wear this and keep your jeans on," he throws one of his All Time Low crewnecks at me and I go into his bathroom to change. I slip the jumper on after removing my shirt.

Jayden's P.O.V

Mia comes out of the bathroom dressed in my All Time Low crewneck and her ripped skinnies. Holy crap she looks amazing. Even with no make up on, she still manages to look stunning, like an angel.

"Wow," I accidentally mumble.
"What?" She questions, smiling sweetly.
"You look so good," I walk over to her and hold her tightly against me.
"I love you," I say against her hair.
"I love you too Jayden," She grins.
"I need to brush my teeth," I remember, getting my toothbrush ready and offering Mia an unused one.
"Thanks," she takes it.


"So, who are these friends?" She asks while we walk down the street, hands entertwined as usual.
"Just some mates from college," I tell her.
"What are their names?"
"Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael. They're in a band together and they needed to talk with me about something band related," I explain as we get to Calum's house.

Mia's P.O.V

"Hey," A tall guy with dark hair opens the door for us.
"Hey Cal, sorry I'm late," Jayden apologises.
"It's fine, man. Don't worry. And who's this lovely lady?"
"This is Mia," Jayden puts his arm around my shoulder and introduces me.
"I'm Calum, pleasure to meet ya," Calum laughs.
"Look at you Jayden, getting the girls," an even taller boy with a blonde quiff emerges from another room.
"More than you'll ever get Luke the Loser!" Jayden shouts, making an 'L' shape with his fingers. The blonde guy, Luke I guess, sticks his middle finger up at Jayden.
"Come on in," Calum leads us into the living room where Luke and two others, one with bright coloured hair and another with curly hair, are sat playing on the Xbox.
"Oooh Jayden brought a girl!" The one with curly, golden hair cheers, smiling goofily.
"This is Mia," Jayden introduces me once again.
"Mia this is Luke, Michael and Ashton," he points at each of them as he says the names, the giant lanky boy first, then the colourful haired one, then the curly haired one.
"Hey," I smile nervously, sitting on Jayden's lap as there was no more room on the sofa.
"So, we called you here to ask you something," Ashton starts.
"Okay," Jay breathes out.
"We want you and With Confidence to support us at the local pub on Saturday," Luke ask Jayden.
"Oh my god, yes!" I look at Jayden who is grinning from ear to ear with this news.
"I'm so proud of you, baby," I kiss his forehead lightly.
"When is it?" Jayden asks Luke.
"This Thursday."
"We'll be there!" Jay lightly pushes me off his lap so we can get up.
"I best leave you to do what you were doing before," He smiles and hugs each guy.
"Oh and nice meeting you all!" I shyly stutter.
"No problem," Michael, who had been quite shy, spoke up as we opened the door.
"See ya guys! Thanks a lot!" Jayden shouts as we close the door behind us, stepping out into the drizzling rain.
"What shall we do now Princess?" He asks, his arm snaking it's way around my waist.
"We could get ice cream, even though the weather is miserable," I suggest, knowing he could turn the most miserable day into the best day of my life by just holding me in his arms.


I know, I know, I've been inactive for over a month. I'm sorry, I just had a lot happening. One thing, I just moved into my new room!! Another thing, I've been fangirling over the fact that Jayden followed me on the 13th of this month argh!

I'm gonna try and post one chapter at least every other week, I think that'll work. Homework makes it hard to fit updating this in haha.

Thank you all so much for 2.6K! I actually can't believe it!!

Gotta (Ini) Go,
Mia xo

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