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I wake up and rub my eyes to see the clock read 10:34 am. I push back the duvet and stand up, stretching my arms and yawning. My phone starts to ring so I pick it up from the bedside table.
"Hello, this is Mia,"
"It's me, stupid!" Jayden laughs, "Didn't you see the caller ID?"
"I just got up," I groan.
"Sorry if I woke you," he chuckles angelically.
"You didn't. Why are you calling so early?"
"Um, Luke wanted to take Abbie out and he asked if we wanted to do a double date. You wanna come?"
"You're asking me on a date?" I laugh.
"I sure am."
"In that case, yeah!"
"Good, see ya at 1. Love you," he ends the call. I decide to go skating until it's time for Jayden to pick me up.

I get dressed in some grey high waisted shorts, my Panic! At The Disco crop top and I finish the outfit with my floral Vans.
"I'm going out," I tell my mum before grabbing a breakfast bar and my penny board and heading out. I waste no time to get on and cruise down the path to the park.

The park is full of children, playing with their friends and family. I get a few weird looks from parents but that doesn't put me off. I decide to use this time to catch some Pokémon. Opening Pokémon Go, I see that there is a Poliwag nearby. Avoiding running kids, I skate over to where the Pokémon is located and I catch it. I sit down on the nearest bench and eat my breakfast bar.
"Mind if I sit here?" A sweet girl's voice asks. I finish what I have in my mouth then speak up.
"Sure," I smile as a dog jumps up me, licking my knees.
"I like your skateboard," the girl says as she sits down. She has a pretty face with long wavy brown hair with blonde highlights.
"I love your hair!" I return the compliment kindly.
"I'm Alexis by the way," She grins as her dog, a black labrador puppy, hops up onto the bench in between us both.
"I'm Mia."
"It's nice to meet someone here. I just moved here about an hour ago and I'm a bit lonely."
"Well, I'm here." I hold my head up.
"You like Panic! too!" She exclaims loudly pointing at my shirt.
"Yeah!!" I giggle.
"Cool, I never knew I'd meet someone with the same music taste as me within an hour of being here." She tucks her straightened hair behind her ear and I notice she has her ears stretched slightly.
"What sort of music do you like?" I ask, wanting to know a bit more about the kind, bubbly girl I'd just met.
"Mainly pop-punk," she lists a couple of bands including Green Day, Blink-182, All Time Low and Fall Out Boy.
"Same really!" Her dog jumps on my knee and lays down on my lap.
"Aww, what's their name?" I stroke the dog and it closes it's eyes and wags it's tail excitedly.
"Hayley, after the Paramore singer." Hayley lifts her head at the sound of her name. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I look at the time to see it's 12:30.
"Oh shoot, I have to go now. See you around," I wave as I skate off, Hayley barking after me. Alexis seemed nice, very nice in fact. I could get used to her easily, she sounded pretty easygoing.

Once I get upstairs into my room, I touch up my makeup and curl my hair, ready for my first date. As I pick up my purse, the door bell rings. I grab a hoodie and open the door, running straight into Jayden's muscular arms. He kisses my forehead and I shout goodbye to my mum.
"Your ride awaits," he opens the passenger side door of his car and I get in, blushing at his gentleman act. I notice the song that is playing is First Date by Blink-182.
"Really?" I laugh point at the radio.
"You love that song," he smiles, starting the car.
"I met a girl called Alexis today and she seemed pretty nice," I tell Jayden.
"You're only looking for people to be in your band!" he sniggers, looking across at me with a smirk. He pulls my hand from my lap and hold it in his, focusing back on the road.
"She seemed like a nice person to have as a friend too."
"Cool, well I'm glad you made your first friend," he jokes.
"Oi, it's not like you have many friends either," I reply.
"Hey, I've got a friend called Luke, who we're meeting at the place," Jay says.
"Where are we going?" I ask, knowing he would tell me it's a secret.
"To the mall, then we're going to a restaurant that I've heard good things about," he tells me. Jayden parks the car in the parking lot and we walk over to where Luke and Abbie are standing.


Hey guys, I'm sorry this update is a bit late, and a bit shorter than I intended it to be. But, luckily, you got an update today.

*The competition is closed now*

I have gotten so many requests to be in this story and I have planned to include everyone who messaged me as a way to show that your support means a lot to me!

Here are the characters (follow all of the users please!)

Alexis - alexxisniiicole
Bet - BetiCutiePie
Alia - hellaradx
Lucy - xMiniladdx

Thank you all for submitting your information for my story!

Goodbye till Friday,
Mia xo

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