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During our first period class Olivia got really quiet. Our teacher began calling on each student to read. Olivia stopped answering questions and just read the rest of the book quietly. She did have to read out loud twice because some kid during English did not want to read. She looked upset and I wanted to ask her if she was okay but our teacher Mr.C does not like when people talk over him. I wrote her a note asking if she was okay and she responded yes. I rolled my eyes because I knew she was lying but I just dropped it. This kid that sat behind us looked at us like we were crazy but then he went back to drawing. We passed notes back and forth talking about anime and anime boys. I asked her what character I would be from Fairy Tale and she told me 'none because they are all too perfect to be you'.We ended up having a small fight because of that. We only ever fight over anime and which characters are the best. She is the perfect best friend at least she is too me.

After that class I had French with Jessica It was boring and pretty basic I kept on falling asleep and had to do something to stay up. I had to pass Jessica notes just to stop my self from falling asleep again. I mostly wrote to her "pasta" or "clod". We tend to argue over much larger things than Olivia and I do like if eating meat is wrong or anything really. She is that friend that you hate to argue with but at the same time you love to because you learn more.

I got a note during fourth period that read "Do you like me?", I looked up and saw one of the people I hate, well the only person I hate, Mark. Mark had bullied me in the past and made all my friends feel terrible. I tried to stop hating him but everytime I did he would do something bad again. I simply wrote a few simple curse words in reply and handed it back to him while smiling.

Later that night Olivia and I were hanging out watching anime, well she was watching anime I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. We both had to have an essay about our summer done by friday but we were procrastinating. I looked over to find her quickly writing hers.

"Why do you write like your running out of time?" I sang trying not to giggle.

"Hamilton? Really?" She rolled her eyes for the tenth time today and went back to writing. I laughed for a good minute than went back to listening to Hamilton.

When I was trying to sleep Olivia started singing a weird song from Naruto about a frog and than sung about a banana. I couldn't stop laughing as we both screamed that we were bananas. This continued for one hour until I made the mistake of saying lets lay down and then I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to Olivia's dog, Candy, sleeping on me. Every one was asleep so I had to suffer and allow this over weight fluffy dog to sleep on me.

When Olivia finally woke up, we both ate and waited for the bus. I almost choked on my cereal twice and Olivia kept laughing at me. We met our friends Ian and Jake at the bus stop.

"I'm madly in love with you Olivia! Lets get married" Ian said, well actually I wasn't listening I think he said this? Anyways when I finally realized what was happening around me, we were just getting on the bus.

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