Sleepover Of DEATH

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Olivia had invited Bianca, Jessica, Nova and myself over to her house so we could bond and get to know each other better. I showed up in my supernatural onesie and a princess blanket just to make my friends laugh, Jessica wore a minion onesie,Olivia was under the blankets in a levi onesie, Bianca wore sweatpants and a tank top and Nova wore jeans and a shirt that showed way too much cleavage.

"What on Earth are you wearing?" Nova asked staring lazily at Jessica and I.

"We are wearing a fine coat of fabulous, while you are half naked." I said putting my hands on my hips. I have no idea why I was so bold suddenly but I loved it. I never am this confident so why should I stop being confident now? I thought for a split second I could see Nova smirking at me.

"What did you just say to me?" Nova snorted then glared at us her face was slowly turning red. Her eyes were wide open and her breathing was a little off.

"She didn't mean it Nova, calm down." Olivia said too tired to allow a fight to happen. Nova got up and was walking in circles trying to hide her red face, she clenched her fists and her nostrils flared. She was going to explode soon I know it.

"Oh she meant it!" Jessica said sitting down with popcorn to watch the fight. Nova was going to say something to me but stopped when she looked behind me. I turned around and saw Bianca standing behind me with a knife. I backed away slowly and raised my hands.

"IF Y'ALL DON'T LET OLIVIA GET SOME SLEEP I WILL STAB THE TV!"Bianca screamed waving the knife at Nova and I.

"Why my tv?!" Olivia hissed "Stab Jessica instead."

"DID YOU SEND BIANCA TO KILL US?!" Nova screamed. Okay now she was mad.

"Yes." Bianca and Olivia said in a monotone voice at the same time.

"ARE Y'ALL ON CRACK?!" Nova screamed turning towards the door.

"IM A BANANA!!" Olivia, Jessica and I screamed. Bianca ran to go lock the door and keep Nova inside Olivia's house.

"This is what you get for yelling at my smol child." Jessica said.

"But you wanted us to fight?!" Nova screamed once more as Bianca and Olivia lead her to a chair.

We forced her to listen to all the songs from hamilton despite her groaning how much she hated it. We had to let her go so we sent her outside with a sign on her back that read 'Food Squad".

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