I am The Preident

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    The next day I saw Jessica bothering Nova. Nova looked really nervous as she stared at me and Olivia mouthing the words 'help me'. I jogged quickly over to her side as I listened to their conversation quietly.

     "So why are you suddenly so nice to Alissa? I mean you hated us not that long ago so what changed? Did you decide that you wanted to hurt her in a more personal way?" Jessica hissed out these words as if they were poison on her tongue. I watched as Nova kept on shifting from leg to leg. Her face was a bright red and she looked as if she wanted to rip Jessica's head off for making those accusations.

      "First of all I love her more than any one else ever has. Second of all the only fucking reason I was mean to any of you was because I did not want to get close to anyone. Now if you don't shut your fucking mouth I will tell Olivia that you want to sink her ship."

        "Okay I forgive you but if you ever and I mean ever hurt Alissa I will personally help sink that ship." Jessica whispered in a low voice. Nova turned around to walk into the school when she noticed me. I quickly ran over to stop this but suddenly Olivia and Bianca came out of nowhere.

        "What did you say about my ships?" Olivia hissed at her. Nova and I sat on a ledge as we watched the fight unfold before us. Bianca started running in circles and screaming about how stupid we all are. We all walked away from her and went inside the school, I looked over my shoulder to see Nova giving Bianca 20 dollars for stopping the fight. Nova and I parted as I went to my first period class and she went to her first period class. I was still shocked by the whole fight and I payed little attention to what actually happened. I clicked my pen anxiously as I waited for the bell to ring and release me from this hell. One of my friends named Dillon tried to cheer me up but nothing worked. The rest of the school day went by slowly like this until after school. After school Olivia, Nova, and I went to our schools GSA club. GSA stands for gay straight alliance which means it's a safe place for kids of all sexuality. I am the president of the club, Liv or Olivia is the vice president, a kid named AJ is the vice for our vice, a quiet girl named Brandy is the treasurer, and a fangirl named Katie is the board writer. During our meeting AJ kept on putting on emo boy band music while jumping around and screaming random (and stupid) things. Katie and Brandy sat in the corner of the room looking at memes. Nova kept on trying to kill AJ to get him to sit still but a hug managed to convince her to sit down. The meeting managed to cheer me up but also make me feel incredibly tired.  I felt as if Nova felt the need to prove that she was enough for me after the argument with Jessica. I also feel like after today our friend circle will never be the same.

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