Lost and scared

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After what had happened between Nova and I, we had went back to normal. We acted as if we hated each other and avoided the other at all costs. I enjoyed it though, unlike before we acted as if it was a game, we knew in the end we would have each other's backs. Sebastian on the other hand acted like I was a stranger, like he didn't even know who I was any more, hell I don't even know who I am anymore. I have to admit our argument broke my heart but some people just aren't worth keeping in your life. Some people are just mean and terrible people and you can't do much to change that. On my way to school today I had run into Olivia and Jessica.

     "What happened to you and Sebastian?" Olivia asked me while walking behind Jessica and I. I simply shrugged my shoulders and looked at the ground.

     "Did you sink my ship?" Jessica asked glaring at me. I started laughing at my friend. I nodded my head and she took out a book and crossed something off.

    "What the hell is that?" Olivia scrunched up her nose and tried to read Jessica's tiny hand writing.

      "This is my book of ships. I write down every possible ship, I circle the cannon ones and cross off the sunken ships." Jessica slammed her book shut in fear that Olivia would want to see ships made about her and started running away while scream. I watched as Olivia sent Bianca to get the book. 'Where does she even come from!?' I screamed in my head 'There was no one else even near us a minute ago!', I walked with Olivia in peaceful silence the rest of the way to school.

    I walked in the building only to be met with millions of glares from children. Every one had stopped and stared at me whispering, laughing and pointing as if I was some animal in a zoo. Nova walked in the school only a minute later and stopped after she saw all of the kids.

     "What did you do?" Nova whispered walking me to my locker, her voice was high pitched and fake once again, god I miss her real voice. People were staring andstill had not stopped and I felt insanely uncomfortable.

     "I didn't do anything. At least...I don't think I did." I thought hard about what I might have done but nothing came to my mind. I opened my locker to find a rotting sandwich in my locker and the word 'lesbians' in sharpie on a sticky note inside of it. How anyone got in my locker was a mystery to me. I looked over and Nova had the same stuff in her locker. 'I thought gay and lesbian weren't insults anymore' I thought as I threw the disgusting sandwich away 'I'm pansexual so this shouldn't hurt me, but it does, why does this make me want to cry?'. Nova had run into the girls bathroom in tears and I figured she needed some time alone. I spent the rest of my school day upset and scared.

     "Why is lesbian used as an insult?" I asked my group of friends the next day when we met at school.

    "I don't know but quick question, have you guys seen Nova?" Bianca asked us. We all said no and I started getting worried.

    I stopped by Novas house after school and asked her mom if Nova was there. She opened the door crying and in a bath robe. Her hair was messy and blonde, she looked exhausted.

    "Nova ran way..." She said a far away look on her face. It looked like she wasn't even really there with me. 'Nova's all alone' I thought 'Shes all alone, she's lost, she's scared' I began to cry 'No, I'm the scared one'.




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