The Ship Has Sailed

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The next day at school every one asked us how the new kid was. I always said she was fine but Jessica would cut me off and say she's a hoe.

At lunch our two friends, Sebastian and Duckbutt walked up to us. Sebastian sat by me while Duckbutt sat by Olivia. Sebastian was always a little bit creepy but he was Duckbutts friend so we let him stay. Olivia moved one leg up and farted on Duckbutt.

"That's what you get for sitting by me DUCKBUTT!!" Olivia yelled in his face. Duckbutt started blushing and looked like he was really mad.

"That's not my name my name is Sa-" Duckbutt said before Jessica, Olivia and I interrupted him.

"DUCKBUTT!" we all screamed.

"Shut up guys!" Duckbutt screamed covering his face.

"That's why your parents named you after an anime character!" Olivia said holding in laughter.

"I was born before the anime!" Duckbutt was now blushing and looked like an embarrassed school girl.

"Shut up Duckbutt." Sebastian said not wanting to be left out. I hit my head on the table waiting for this nightmare to end.

"Not you too!" Duckbutt yelled putting both hands on the side of his head. 'He is a stressed Duckbutt' I thought leaning on Jessica and giggling. Sebastian pulled me towards him and wrapped an arm around my neck. I was going to tell him to get off when Jessica interrupted me.

"I ship it!" Jessica whisper yelled to Olivia. I glared at them both and made a cutting motion on my neck. Jessica stuck the middle finger up at me while Olivia farted. 'Where do I find these people' I thought. Sebastian moved his arm from around my shoulder and leaned closer to my ear.

" In hell." Sebastian started laughing uncontrollably. 'I can not believe I said that out loud' I thought hitting my head on the table again.

"So your friends are just as weird as you!" A familiar smooth high pitched voice said.

"Didn't you learn your lesson at the sleepover?" Sebastian said smirking. I knew what he said was not nice but I was too tired to care.

"YOU TOLD PEOPLE!!" She shrieked and her voice broke at the word people. It went from high pitched and smooth to low and smooth. I liked her voice better low.

"I was tired and meant to send the story to one person but I sent it to everyone." Olivia was now smirking. 'The Alissa protection squad has arrived!' I screeched in my mind.

"Oh I didn't realize you were here sa-" Nova began leaning on the table but screamed and fell when Olivia screamed Duckbutt.

"Go away Nova! Duckbutt belongs too Olivia! The ship has already sailed!" I screamed hitting the table with my hands and standing up. I had to hold in my laughter.

"Sit down Alissa, You're drunk." Olivia and Sebastian said at the same time.

"She's not drunk she was born that way!" Duckbutt yelled holding up a peace sign.

"You infected the one cute boy at this school..." Nova whispered with a scared look on her face. Her voice was still low.

"That's right be scared!" Bianca said quietly but loud enough for me to hear her. I don't even know where she even came from.

Nova slowly walked away, a shocked look on her face and mumbling about a girlfriend, even though her boobs were practically in Duckbutts face. I felt sort of bad for her, it's a new school and she doesn't deserve to be treated that way. No one deserves to be treated like that.

I got up to throw away my food and Sebastian followed me. I felt sort of weirded out but nervous at the same time. 'What does he want?' I asked myself.

"Meet me at the pizzeria down the road after school, I need to ask you something". After he said that we went our separate ways. Nova was standing by the trash can waiting for someone.

     "Hey Alissa. You know you're the first person that I met that actually tried to stand up to me. You have some.....odd friends but I hope maybe we can hang out one day and that we can put all of this behind us." her voice was really low now and very calming yet my heart was beating frantically. I slowly nodded my head and then Nova walked away leaving me at the trash can. Maybe she isn't that bad after all.

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