A Night to Remember

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I stared sadly at the ground longing for the softness of my bed, the welcoming glow of my cell phone, and the warmth of my heater. Instead I was stuck outside in the cold autumn air, surrounded by the smell of burnt popcorn and pumpkins, children screamed around me eager to go on rides with their parents or crying over not getting what I want. My thin jacket did very little to shield me from the freezing air as I clung to Nova's side in search of warmth. I made the mistake of agreeing to Olivia's demand to go on a double date. I even over dressed as Olivia and Duckbutt showed up in matching anime t-shirts, Nova was wearing jeans and a shirt that said 'She's mine' with an arrow pointing towards me and a pair of skinny jeans, I was wearing a shirt that matched Nova's with a skirt and combat boots. Nova refused to move her arm from around my waist as I snuggled closer to her. I had no problem with this but Olivia kept on poking Nova and demanding that she lets go of me so she can beat me in the ring toss game. I kept on catching Duckbutt stare at Olivia with a smile on his face, he had this really far off look in his eyes but when ever Olivia looked at him he would stare at me as if he was begging me not to tell. I also caught Nova doing this to me, I could only tell because Olivia would begin glaring at her. We all began to just walk around the fair looking for something fun to do. We played some simple games and I won prizes for Duckbutt and Nova, Olivia won a prize, and Nova won a prize which she gave to me. I gave Nova a small animal that looked like a combination of a cat and a panda, she would not stop begging me for it after noticing one of it's arms were falling off. Nova had given me a small wolf with a frown placed upon its face, its eyes were a dark black color that screamed sadness almost begging to be helped. Olivia gave Duckbutt a rubber duck that looked like a ninja. After this we walked towards a haunted house while passing kissing teenagers.

"Oh my god look at those two." One of the teens laughed.

"They look like a bunch of gays!" Another said making the whole group begin to laugh. Nova glared at them before spinning me towards her and kissing me on the cheek. I felt an odd tingling sensation as my face heated up, Nova smirked back at me as I hid my face in my hands. I heard Olivia scream in the background as Nova and I slowly looked at her.

"NO YOU GUYS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE CUTE AND KISSY UNTIL AFTER SEVEN!" She screamed at us. I rolled my eyes in response to her as I continued to walk towards the haunted house. This year they had used an actual building instead of an inflatable house and they had hired payed actors to scare kids. Nova clung to my arm actually terrified of this place. I had to give the people that put it together props for making it smell like blood. The walls inside the house were chipped and you could hear something clawing on the other side and screaming. Every now and then the house would shake and you could here a distant explosion. We ended up losing Olivia and Duckbutt because Duckbutt pushed Olivia at the monster, screamed "every man for themselves", and ran away. When we got outside Duckbutt was holding Olivia and crying as she patted his back in an attempt to calm him down. I elbowed Nova's side as she laughed at Duckbutt and Olivia glared at us. We ended up having to buy him cotton candy to get him to move. Our next stop was the bumper cars. Olivia had to sit out because her neck hurt her. We all got in our own individual ones as the ride began. I had managed to hit Nova, Duckbutt, an annoying guy with cat whiskers and blond hair, and a couple. I stopped completely as I saw Olivia slide across the arena like area.

"When did she get here?" Nova asked me.

"Heheheheheheh!" Olivia said as she rammed into Duckbutt. He screamed in terror as olivia slowly but surely mad her way towards him. Olivia had managed to ram into him five times before the ride was over. Our final ride for the night was the carousel. I got on with Nova as Duckbutt and Olivia watched from the side.

"Its seven." I heard Olivia say.

"What?" After Duckbutt said this the ride had begun. I looked a Nova as I laughed hysterically due to the complete look of awe on her face. I quickly pecked her on the lips as we both began to blush frantically.

"MY SHIPS!" Olivia screamed. I would definitely remember this night for a while.

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