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A few long weeks of medications, tests, and getting the smell of hospitals out of my clothes I was finally heading back home. Because of the reason I was in the hospital I had been on suicide watch. My family had come to visit me often but eventually they stopped visiting every hour of the day. I had gotten five small bears, one large bear, a dozen cards, and a bag if cookies and candies. They let me have my phone while I was in the hospital but I do not think they should have. Every time I posted a picture people would comment how sorry they were, how much they regretted bullying me, how much they missed me or they would tell me how bad my life must be. I was just sick and tired of people having pity on me, as if I was a sick animal that needed help, I had people to help me what I needed was for people to forget that any of that had happened. My parents decided to homeschool me for the rest of that year, they feared I would get bullied again. I'm currently in public school again and it's fifth week of school. Nova and I had kept our relationship a secret, only our close friends knew. We all had changed that year so much I could barely recognise us. Olivia had cut and dyed her hair blue, I cut my hair shoulder length, Nova dyed her hair a bright red and she started wearing skirts and dresses.

"Duckbutt stop poking me!" Olivia's scream at Duckbutt had scared me out of my daydream.

"Duckbutt stop poking your girlfriend or you go in time out." I pointed at the dark table in the corner of the cafeteria that no one sat at because it smelled like rotten cheese. I saw every one at the table shutter at the thought of sitting there.

"What's so bad about that table?" Our new table friend, Tiny Satan asked me.

"That's where the bitches of our school go." I closed one eye and talked in a country accent that sounded like it came from a horror movie. "Once you sit there your doomed to be a bitch! Doomed I say! Dooooooomed!"

"Woooo! I'm going to sit there!." She slowly walked toward the table.

"DOOOMED!" I screamed as she slipped and fell. "I TOLD YOU YOU ARE DOOMED!"


"What?! Why?! I never got to rebuild my clan!" Duckbutt screamed dramatically.

"I knew you were the one from the anime!" Olivia pointed a finger at Duckbutt.

"Oh my god! I am not the one from the anime! First you tell em I'm Duckbutt Now I'm-" Duckbutt tried to speak but Olivia just yelled duckbutt at his face.

"Quick question," Tiny Satan asked me. "Why is everyone here scared of you?"

"While asking that question you need to consider this: why not?" Jess  said raising an eyebrow. Before any of us could reply the bell rang meaning we all went our separate ways. I hated this part of the day, when I wouldn't see any of them until we went home. I had most of my classes with Sebastian and he would spend the whole class trying to flirt with me or apologising to me. Luckily I had one of my frenemies, Gabe, in all of my classes. We are only not friends because of the great pen war of sixth grade (never forget our lost comrade, the gel pen). He also has blue hair and Olivia will yell thief at him before running. Gabe is one of those people that you know is an asshole but they are still your friend. Anyways when ever Sebastian tries to do any thing Gabe will yell about clowns and scare the crap out of him. It is pretty funny to watch. After school Duckbutt and Olivia are running up to Nova and I.

"We are going on a double date." Olivia says with a grin on her face.

"What!?" After saying this I am being dragged away to an arcade near us to go on a double date with Duckbutt and Olivia. Where did I find these people?

Under Average NerdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon