Puppy Love

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I woke up and the first thing I saw was a plain white ceiling. The smell of medicine, death and depression filled the room. The beeping of monitors and a persons steady breathing filled the room. Panic soon set in as I realised quickly where I was. I looked down at me left arm to see an IV connected to it, my right arm and right leg were both in bandages I assumed it was due to cuts. I tried to stand up without waking up the sleeping person in the bed next to me but I failed, I felt pain fill me as I fell face first. I screamed, my arm and leg were both in excruciating pain and the bandages turned a dark red shade. The person laying down quickly got up to help me. I saw Nova run up to me and help me get back on the bed.  Nova had bags under her eyes beautiful brown eyes, strands of hair stuck up in odd places, tear stains covered her cheeks and her clothes had food stains on them.

    "Oh my god! Your awake?! I-I-I'm sorry! I should have b-been up to help you and-" Nova rambled on and on as tears rolled down her face. Her chest began to heave up and down as she struggled to breath. Sobs began to shake her small frame as she frantically tried to wipe her eyes.

      "Nova stop...none of this is your fault. I'm alive because you cared...I'm alive because you were there. Speaking of how exactly am I alive right now?" I tilted my head to look at her. She slowly stopped crying and she nodded her head as she began to explain.

     "I called the police a couple minutes before I saw you so I could turn my self in and go back home. They got there ten minutes after you jumped. I yelled for them to help me and we drove you to the hospital." She began to blush realising she just admitted that she cared.

      "Yeah but I should have drowned Nova. I was unconscious once I hit the water so it's not like I swam." I looked at her waiting patiently for a reply. 
    "I used to go cliff jumping with my brother. A fall from that low was like nothing to me. So after I got you out I had to...do...mouthtomouthwithyou." She said the last part really quickly and it took me a couple minutes to realise what she meant.

     "OH MY GOD YOU KISSED ME?!" I screamed as loud as I could before laughing after I saw how much Nova was blushing.

      "NO IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!" she frantically said waving her hands around frantically. "Plus these lips saved yours so stop laughing!" she made a kissy face and pointed at her lips before we both started to laugh hysterically.

    "So about what you said before I fell..." Once I said that Nova got really quiet and stopped laughing, she had one of the best poker faces I had ever seen on her face.

      " Fuck...the doctor told me you might not remember that. The doctor is a liar." She pouted and looked out of the window. She was trying to avoid my question but I wouldn't let her. I quickly pecked her cheek, her head whipped to the side to look at me while I stared innocently at the door. I turned my head and looked at Nova, a smile crept its way on my face. As soon as I was going to lean in to kiss her again the nurse walked in and checked everything. I heard Nova mutter something along the lines of 'that damn nurse is such a c*ck block'. I giggled and kissed Nova's forehead in front of the nurse. She had a look of utter disgust on her face before she left the room.

    "So Nova can you tell me more about you? Like your life before you moved here?" I saw her facial expression darken.

     "It's a pretty long and boring story." Nova said looking at the ground.

     "I have time." I smiled at her and waited patiently for her to begin.

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