Dark Past, New Beginnings

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Red and blue flashing lights lined the streets. Sirens filled the air as neighbors huddled around yellow tape whispering false words about what could have possibly happened.

     "I hear that the husband went crazy and killed his son." One said.

    "I heard the husband died of alcohol poisoning." One whispered to her daughter

    "I think the dog went missing." A child held her head gasping as her brother told her this.

    "Jonathan stop scaring your sister this is serious." A mother slapped the back of her sons head. Nova watched all of this happen as she tried her best to push through the crowd. She could only wish her family was as happy and playful as that one. She finally managed to get to the front of the crowd but an officer stopped her.

     "Sorry ma'am you can not go in there." The old and ugly officer told her. He put his fat arm in her way blocking her from moving.

      "I LIVE HERE!" Nova used her 'listen-to-me-now' voice as she shoved the officer to the side and went towards her mother. She picked up her pace as she realized her mother was screaming and crying about something.

      "Mom what happened is dad and Mars okay?" Nova started breathing heavily as she realized half of her family might be dead. She could care less about her father but her twin brother Mars, he was her whole world. She could always count on him to be there for her, even through her whole coming out ordeal.

      Nova stopped telling me the story after that. All I know is that her brother is dead, she refused to tell me anything else. I held Nova in my arms as she cried her eyes out. She looked so helpless and I hated seeing the strong Nova I knew crying her eyes out like a child. If a strong person like Nova could be broken down like this by one event then what would happen to me? Would I be unable to do things normally? Will my life ever go back to the way it was? I was shaken from my thoughts after hearing a high pitched screech. I looked at the door way and saw Duckbutt himself holding his mouth as he screamed like a girl. Olivia stood near him shaking her head in shame.

    "How will you ever beat Naruto? You need more training Duckbutt!" Olivia yelled at him, she was always the funny friend in the group. I was always the person in the group that lied to make people happy, for example the sentence before this one is a lie.

       "IM NOT- no no you know what? I give up, I am the true duckbutt!!" Duckbutt paused so we would all stop laughing at him. "Anyways are you feeling better Alissa?"

       "Yeah, besides almost dying I have to say I feel great. What happened while I was asleep?" I looked around the room waiting for an answer when finally Olivia spoke up.

     "Well lets see...I married Duckbutt, had a child, became a hokage, fought Duckbutt, had an awesome anime fight scene, my child died, and I went to the mountains to become the next avatar." She sat on the hospital bed acting as if any of that was okay.

    "What." Everyone in the room said this except for Olivia.

     "Wait, you want to marry me?!" Duckbutt screamed like an hormonal teenage girl that just met her favorite celebrity and went to hug Olivia. She ran away screaming about how they were here to see me not get married. The nurse came in and yelled at us to be quiet and we all laughed. My friends might be weird but I would not trade them for the world. They cheer me up when everything and everyone fails at doing so.

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