Nightmares and Tacos

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The dream started off normal. It was Nova, Duckbutt, Olivia and myself. We were sitting at our desks in school. The students around us had paper faces with drawn on smiles. Everytime I looked down to complete my paper I could see small broken and bruised hands reaching for me but when I looked up they were gone. The teacher standing at the front of the desk called Nova up to complete an problem on the chalk board. She went to go lift up the chalk but it turned into a spider in her hand. Nova screamed at the top of her lungs as she quickly dropped the chalk. Olivia, Duckbutt and I ran to her side to help her. All of the students stared through us, their gazes to cold to be looking at us. Their smiles bled a dark red color as their paper faces cracked. They slowly reached their broken and bruised hands out to Nova as they dragged her away from us. I tried to do something but my legs were stuck to the floor. The students peeled off Novas face forcing us to watch in horror as blood slowly dripped from her chin. One student opened a wooden box that held a paper face with a painted smile in it.

     "WHY ARE YOU GUYS NOT HELPING?!" Nova screamed in agony as blood dripped down her chin. I attempted to help her once more but students held me down forcing me to watch. I could see Olivia and Duckbutt being treated the same way but they had students with the same wooden boxes near them.

     "You think your special but you aren't" the students said this in unison, "Your just like everyone else".
A student reached for my face as I screamed. I woke up with a jolt and saw my friends staring at me. I remembered the sleepover I was at and I tried to calm myself. Olivia asked me if I was alright but my mouth was completely dry.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just had a nightmare about...tacos." I lied to her just so every one would stop asking. She pretended to believe me and she laughed and left me alone for the rest of the night. Later while everyone was asleep I stayed awake silently weeping. Nova heard me and woke up, she instantly held me in her arms and whispered 'it's alright' and 'Im with you' into my ear as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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