Chapter I

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Author's Note: I'm going to start just saying "chapter I, chapter II, etc" because chapter titles give away all the information. I hope you enjoy. Im also going to be doing more character POVs including Percy, Noah, Leo, Callie, Nico, and maybe a little Annabeth. Lets see what happens to Callie!!☺️

Percy's POV
"Where is she?!" I screamed. It had been three days since Callie died, but I wasn't losing her. This was Greek Mythology, but it wasn't myths. Anything could happen. If I walked through Tartarus with her and Annabeth, and she, a twelve year old, could survive, she was trying to get out of our "Uncle Hades" underworld. Olympus had just reopened today, and I was already there. Annabeth was redesigning it, but I would tear it down piece by piece to find my little sister, and that's exactly what I told them. I walked to the middle of the throne room, and held out my bloody hands.
"Where is she?!" Again I screamed. "You!" I gestured to Hera "You did this! If she is not found, I will tear Olympus down piece by piece with my bare hands. And I will not lift a finger to help you in another war." I knew I could get zapped into dust for doing this, but I didn't care, in fact, Zeus was picking up his lightning bolt.
"Calm down brother." Poseidon said "He's alright."
  "Father! She's your daughter. And you don't even care! She was my full sibling. Someone who understood what it was like being a child of Poseidon, being pressured into being a hero. Mom is at home, probably still crying her eyes out, because she didn't get to spend enough time with your and her daughter as you did, and now she never will." I was so mad I was crying now, and shaking, and screaming. Again.
"Calm down Percy. She with my brother; she's in good hands." Father told me.
"In Good Hands?! You only trust him to come onto Olympus once a year, but you trust him with your daughter's dead soul?! Nice decision making, so called dad." Then I stormed out but I heard them muttering through the walls, so I stopped and listened.
"Nice going, Hera, there goes your greatest hero." Poseidon snorted.
"It had to be done!" She argued. Then I walked off, because I had to go comfort mom. I stormed out of the Empire State Building, but I threw down some change to the desk man, because he was the only one who didn't roll his eyes when I said 600th floor. I walked out the building and started jogging towards the Upper East Side.

  "Hi mom." I said as I walked through the door. She was sitting on the couch, silently crying.
"Hey baby." She managed to huff out between breaths. She had a book in her hands.
"What are you looking at mom?" I asked.
"Callie's baby pictures." She replied. There was one of her in the bathtub with me playing in the water. Mom let out a breath and started crying more.
"It's ok. I miss her too." I hugged my mom. I was crying too. I've cried a lot since Callie died, it's an emotional roller coaster when someone you love dies. Especially in the way she died. In my arms. The baby book was only half full because she was half raised on Olympus. Mom had just bought another baby book, but I didn't know why. So I asked.
"Mom, why is there another baby book on the table?"
"It's yours."
"What about the empty one?" I asked.
"I guess I'll tell you now. I'm six months pregnant, Percy. And it's mortal. Fully mortal, Paul is the father. It's a girl. She'll get to live a normal life; No monsters or gods or the camp. She'll stay here with me, you, and Paul. But I don't want her to know you're a demigod." Mom informed. I'll have another little sister. But she'll never replace Callie. I will see Callie again.
"That's amazing mom. I'm so happy for you and Paul. I can't wait to meet her."
"Thank you Percy. I was worried you wouldn't support her because she wasn't a demigod. I love you." Mom said.
"Love you too mom." I fell asleep balled up beside my mom like a five year old.

Ok so if I was you, I would be wondering "how could you make Sally pregnant?!" But truth is, in the trials of Apollo, she is. 7 months.

Callie Jackson; The ReturnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz