Chapter IX

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Callie's POV

I might have blacked out on the way down, but I couldn't tell, it was solid black anyways. I fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, until I felt like I couldn't fall anymore. I finally noticed a small, glowing orange light. The glowing orange light was approaching fast. I hit it. I hit the orange light. But it wasn't just a light, it was water flowing around me. A very hot water now to think of it. Flaming hot. The river of fire, Phlegethon. The Phlegethon River. I swam up, trying to surface. As I surfaced, I remembered: last time we were in here, we drank from the river. It kept us alive. I swam to the shore and bent onto my knees. Preparing for the burning sensation, I took in a big breath, and gulped as much as I possibly could. It tasted like fire smells. I got up, coughing and gagging, then I looked around. The area I was in was deserted; nothing but obsidian cliffs surrounding me. I started walking. Maybe all the monsters were still at the doors of death, thinking they'll open. Then I saw it. Two, phenomenal men, one cowering in a corner, the other one standing over him. I crept closer, staying hidden by the cliff and scattered spikes poking out of the ground, like trees. All at once, the cowardly giant jumped up, yanked the knife out of his opponents hand, and beheaded him with his own knife. The giant man walked towards me. Let me give you a picture of how tall he was. His head was probably bobbing up and down out of Tartarus, and he could probably squish me between his fingers. Is that good enough? Anyways, let's get back to what he did. He stomped closer to me, shaking the ground as his feet hit it. He then, and I don't know how, shrank down to about six feet tall. I was leaned against the cliff, but I didn't know the spike infront of me had collapsed, exposing me to him.
  "You!" He yelled, pointing at me "Show yourself!" I inched up a couple steps, which must not have been good enough for him, because he scrambled over to me, and stared at my eyes.
  "Ah ah ah! Daughter of Poseidon aren't you?" He said.
  "Y-yes. I-I am." I managed to mutter. When I'm nervous I stutter. And rhyme.
  "And which one?" He asked.
  "Callie Jackson. Sister of Percy." That was more known then daughter of Sally.
  "Huh. The hero duo. What are you doing down here darling? Aren't you supposed to up there, celebrating with your brother?"
  "I... Um- I died in battle. Percy is up there in the real world." I whispered.
  "I'm sorry love. Me names Gyges, brother of Kronos. You should know who that is. Very sorry about his decision. Trying to kill your brother and all." I jumped back when he said Kronos' name, but decided to inch closer when he said he was sorry.
"Come along." He said. "I'll take you to me house, get you some supplies, then send you on your way." I trudged along after him, hoping he had food and water. And a plan to get me out of here.


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