Chapter XXV

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Noah's POV

Mortal school wasn't horrible, but if Callie didn't stop, it would be. As Malcolm and I walked into the gym, She was yelling, yet the coach wasn't doing anything. Then, water rushed out from under the bathroom doors. Malcolm made a gagging sound, then followed me as I rushed over to her. We grabbed her by the arms, and basically carried her out of the gym. We went on with our business the rest of the schoolday. Peacefully.

The final bell for school rang and everyone rushed out of the classrooms and into the cold, late November air.
"Where do you two want to go now?" Kat asked.
"Let's go back to camp." Malcolm said.
  "Alright." I told them. "Here." I shoved mortal money at him. "I can't do this. It's too hard."
  "It's basic math!" Malcolm replied.
  "Says the Athena kid." Kat mumbled, rolling her eyes. As we waited for a taxi, it started to rain. Hard. Yet the sun was shining as brightly as it could. And the moon was gleaming on the other side of the sky. Thunder yelled. Lightning struck.
  "What's up with the weather?" Kat yelled over the thunder, soothing her skirt that was blown by the wind.
  "I don't know!" I yelled back. "Malcolm, any ideas?"
  "Nope! Let's just try to get to camp!"
  "Really?!" Kat yelled at him. The thunder was getting louder, and the wind was blowing harder. "I thought we were going to the moon!"
  "Shut up!" Malcolm replied.
  "Make me, Einstein!" She growled.
  "Cut it out, both of you!" I told them. We watched a pair of headlights approach.
"The tip of Long Island, please." I said. The lady in the front grunted. I looked over at Kat. Her eyes were big and she was hitting Malcolm on the wrist.
"Hey, ouch, what do-" we looked up at the driver. She was shifting, changing. There were now three of her, all arguing.
"I want the eye!"
"You have the tooth!"
"But I'm driving, give it!"
"What are you talking about?!" Kat cut them off. The rain was pounding the Windows, so it was hard to hear. They turned around.
"Oh hello." They said in sync. Two of them only had eye sockets, and one had an eye. One eye.
"The gray sisters." Malcolm whispered in awe.
"The camp, I presume?" One of them creaked. "Let's hurry. We're going to have a lot to deal with!" She cackled to her sisters. Suddenly, we were moving as fast as light. Kat was digging her nails into the seat beside me, Malcolm was yelling, yet I sat silent in fear. We did this for some time, there we jeered to a stop. We were beside Thalia's tree. Peleus, the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece, hissed, ready to defend his turf. I threw some drachmas up front.
"Thanks!" I yelled, slamming the car door. We ran to the edge of the hill, then noticed the chaos the camp was in. There were campers running around, screaming, and then there was one flying. Flying? But it wasn't Jason. It was Lester. 'Crap.' I thought. 'I forgot my dad was at camp.'
"Noah." Kat mumbled, her mouth opened.
"Yo-Your dad is running around as a naked bronze statue." She said, pointing a shaking finger down at the camp. "Please ask him to put some clothes on." I looked at it. A totally nude, (ok so I thought this was pretty bad, but this is how uncle Rick wrote it so don't be mad. The naked part, I mean. This is my fan fic) gigantic statue of my dad was running around, swinging a fifty foot long pole at the campers.
"That's Nero. He built himself as the sun god in Ancient Rome. Bringing it to life, that's wicked. Wicked bad, but still, it takes intelligence to do anything like that. He's at full strength. We have to help the campers." Malcolm said over the yelling.
  "Really?" Kat looked over at him. "I thought we were going to have a nice picnic up here and enjoy the view of Noah's naked dad!" We ran down the hill. Malcolm took off the other direction, while Kat and I charged to the giant.
"When we get over here, get me your hand!" Kat yelled to me as we ran.
"Oh, uh,"
"Not like that idiot, just do it!" We ran as fast as we could until we reached him. I came to a stop, but she kept running, then jumped. She wrapped her legs around it then grabbed my hand, pulling me up. She pulled out a bow, and loaded it with an arrow. She started shooting for the Colossus's joints. Even by Apollo children standards, she was good. The statue howled as she and Chiron worked together, knocking loads of arrows into his knees, but he didn't fall. I continued to climb. I got up to his stomach, then looked around. There was nowhere for me to grab. Then I looked up. He was swatting at shadows around his shoulders; they were now engulfing his head. I made out two figures. A boy and girl, both with messy black hair, riding something enormous. The Jackson siblings had arrived.

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