Chapter XX

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Paisley's POV

I started playing with Harley and Mya. They were brother and sister; Their daddy was Hephaestus.
"Paisley, when do you get that cast off?" Mya said, bending a piece of metal.
"About eight o'clock tonight." I said, not looking up at her. I was writing I my journal
Paisley's journal
Callie is still missing. Annabeth cries at night because she's sad. Percy is sad too. I wish I got to meet Callie.

Callie seemed awesome. Sometimes me and Harley would act like the Jackson kids.
"Paisley!" Harley yelled.
"What?" I said.
"I said your name like five times, but this is for dinner. It's time to go." He said. We got up and started walking.
"Race you!" Mya yelled, running away as fast as she could.
  "Hey!" I yelled after her. "No fair!"

After racing Mya (Harley won) we went to sit at our tables. I sat between Annabeth and Malcolm. They were both working on something.
  "What's that?" I asked through a mouthful of macaroni and cheese.
  "Nothing." They both quickly said.
  "If it's nothing, then why are you working on it." I asked. Athena could help me out on this.
"Paisley, you're too young to understand." Malcolm said, not bothering to look at me.
  "Your only six years older than me. Age doesn't matter if my mind can take it in." I said.
  "Just go away!" Malcolm said through a mouthful of popcorn.
  "Come here Paisley." Annabeth said, putting down her pen. I scrambled into her lap. "Look." She said in a low whisper. "You can watch us, but be-"
  "An attack!" Screamed an Ares child. "Wolves!"
"Asomi." Annabeth breathed. She got up, pulling me off of her lap.
"Paisley." She said. "Run into the North woods. Climb Zeus's fist and go into the secret tunnel. I'll come get you later when the attack is over."
"No!" I said. "I'm coming with you."
"Paisley, I'm the boss here. Go." I stomped off. After filling out with the rest of the crowd, I started running the other way. I ran through, looking around. There was nothing here; the woods were quiet. I finally reached the fist. It was a towering rock, at least three feet taller than me. I backed up and started to run. I then jumped, bringing my foot into arch. I finally scurried into the middle of the fist, but I wasn't going in that tunnel. I pulled a Bobby pin out of my hair and put it through the keyhole. 'There' I thought 'that should hold it.' I slumped down and thought. After what felt like forever, I peered over the rock to be greeted with a pair of distant glowing red, beady eyes staring back at me. I felt around my leg for my *barbie doll* that was actually a spear. I stood up, flicked the doll, and the four foot spear sprang to life. I noticed the glowing eyes belonged to a rabid looking dog. It was foaming at the mouth, twitching, and stumbling as it walked. But it wasn't a normal dog. This dog was huge. Before I noticed, the wolf was running, and had jumped onto the fist. I automatically jumped off; battle instincts I guess. I backed up, bringing my spear in front of me. The dog ran in circles around me, then targeted me at once. I kept slowly walking backwards, yet then I tripped over a tree root.
'Rogues.' I thought of the book I'd read this in. 'Minions of-of someone. Wolves basically.' The wolf walked over to me, then over me. It stopped at my face, and on instinct, I covered my face with my arm, and I was glad I did. It bared its fangs, right before biting me, yet it flew off me, hit a tree and left. A girl, fast as lightning, went over and stabbed it.
"Stupid Rogues." She muttered, wiping her blade of the blood. "Are you ok?" She asked, gently helping me off the ground.
"Yes." I said. "Not to be rude or anything, since you just saved my life, but who and what are you?"
"Asomi Angeles. Daughter of Thanatos, demiwolf." She said. "Let's get you back. You seem small enough to help with the infirmary duties. Who's your parent?"
"Athena." I said through a smile.
  "Good. You're smart." She yanked me up and put me on her back. She started to run. It was so fast, I couldn't see anything. It was all a blur. She finally stopped and dropped me off at the infirmary. I ran inside.
"Noah!" I yelled. He came bursting through a door.
"Good. Can you help?" I nodded. He pulled me into a room with him and Will.
  "What can she do?" Noah asked.
  "Comfort someone. Hold small materials and do small jobs." He confirmed. Noah pulled me into another room.
  "Be nice. Try and make this patient feel better." Noah told me. We walked in, breaking fake smiles. I walked over and started to talk to them. They told me about her mortal parents, her forever longing of wanting to go on a quest, and tons of other things. We did this for tons of people, until Noah left.

"Let's get that cast off." Will said. He had bags under his eyes and he was hoarse.
  "Thanks." I said as he cut the cast off with a special machine.
  "Your welcome. Thank you for helping today. You did great. You're free to go get some rest." I jumped up and left the infirmary. I decided to walk along the beach. I took my shoes and socks off and started to walk, digging my toes in the sand. I walked slowly, glancing at my feet as I went. Little crabs scuffled across. I looked up, and there was something in the distance, lying on the shore.
'It's probably nothing.' I thought. I walked closer. When I approached it, I noticed it wasn't nothing. It was a girl, maybe Malcolm's age, and she wasn't moving. I bent down. No pulse. At all. I started to panic. Instead of going to cabin six, I ran straight for the Apollo cabin. I burst through the door, for it wasn't locked.
"Noah!" I hissed. Noah woke with a start. I grabbed his wrist and yanked him outside.
"What in Mount Olympus are you doing?!" He said, wiping his eyes.
"The- The shore. There's a girl." I said. We ran over, me dragging him. We stopping at the end of the shore line.
"Callie– Callie!" He yelled running over to her.
"Call-Callie Jackson?" I choked.
"Yes. Go get the Apollo cabin. Tell Will. Hurry!" He said. He was trying to take her pulse and look into her eyes. He was cradling her head in his lap. I took off towards the cabin. As I got in I threw open the door once again and slammed my hand into the light switch, illuminating the room.
  "Will!" I yelled. "The shore! Callie! Go! All of you!" I looked around. The people were laughing at me.
  "And why do you think we'd listen to a 6 year old?" A guy said.
  "What are you waiting for?" Will yelled overhead "someone's hurt! Boys to the shore, girls to the infirmary. Mia, Diana get a stretcher to the shore. Hurry!" He looked down at me. "Go get Percy. Tell him Callie's at the shore. He'll know. Good luck." I took off towards cabin three. I ran across the camp, now buzzing with orders from Will and Apollo kids running around. I went to open cabin threes door. Locked. Crap! I jiggled the handle and beat on the door. After five minutes, he's opened the door.
  "Huh?" He said, wiping his face.
  "Callie. Shore. Come on. She's hurt." He didn't bother to look back. Or change out of his plaid pajama pants, or put a shirt on. I ran after him.
  "Callie!" He screamed. "Let me see her." He said. He helped lift her onto the stretcher.
  "You're ok." He said, holding her hand, yet she was still unconscious. "You'll be alright. You're strong. Don't leave me. Noah helped pick up the stretcher, tears in his eyes, and lifted it to the infirmary. Suddenly, behind me, there was yelling. Four Apollo guys were holding Percy back.
  "Let me go!" He screamed. "Let me see my sister!"
  "We can't!" One of the guys said back. "They're bringing her in for emergency surgery."
  "I don't care!" Percy yelled, now breaking down crying. "Let... Me. See. Her" he growled, his eyes glowing. I kneeled beside him, not knowing what was going on, or if he would be ok.

  All I knew, is that Callie Jackson had conquered the dead.

Oh cliffhanger. Is she dead? Is she alive? What will everyone think? Keep reading to find out. Love you, tootles!💘🤘🏻

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