Chapter IV

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                              Callie's POV

   Gods I hated this. I had just entered the Underworld. I was in an office, waiting on Charon. He finally showed up. He was a tall old man, with a silver beard long enough to tuck it in his belt. He was wrapped in a black robe.
  "Welcome to the underworld." His voice boomed.
  "Hello." I tried booming back. I failed. "To Hades' castle please."
  "I can't do that." He said. He put his fingers up to his ear.
  "Your a lucky one, child of Poseidon. Hades himself told me to let you in. Get in." And he pointed at the small ferry boat. I jumped on and mumbled
  "Thanks." He steered through the River Styx. I looked down at the river and noticed things. Lockets, dolls, coins, watches. I picked up a teddy bear that looked over 100 years old.
"These are memories from the passed." Charon chortled. I sat the teddy bear back in the river and let it float away. I wonder if a child had tried to take it with them. The story behind the bear. Maybe that was a poor kids only toy, the kid died from starvation, and wanted to take its only belonging with them. Or maybe it was a rich kids who had hundreds of them, and didn't care for any of them, and still wanted more. Finally, we reached a solid black towering castle. With fire around it. I peacefully jumped off the boat, and walked towards the castle. Then I came across Cerberus. I looked up at him.
"Stay calm boy." I whispered. He jumped closer to me. He growled.
"Shh. Come here." I said. He took a couple steps closer. I started petting his leg, so he bent down so I could pet two of his three heads.
"I don't know if you remember, but my brother told me, about five years ago, he was down here, and a blond girl gave you a red rubber ball. Do you still have it?" I asked. He panted happily and ran about 20 yards and grabbed a red sphere. He dropped it, ready for me to throw it. I played a couple games of fetch with him, but I had to get going.
"Cerberus, I have to go. Be good, ok?" He gave me puppy eyes. "I'll tell Hades to play with you." He blinked back, and let me pass. Stone walls covered with ivy rose hundreds of feet high around me. I walked for what seemed like a year, then came across the palace door. With all my strength, which wasn't very much, considering I just died, but I managed to open it. The room was dimly lit with the light of a fireplace. There sat the fates in a corner, holding, unwinding, and snipping yard. Someone just died. And another. And another. The string was a huge life, and they just calmly cut it into two. I finally got my focus off of them and looked around. There, sitting on his throne of souls in front of me, was Hades himself. I walked in front of him and bowed.
  "Lord Uncle Hades." I said. It felt weird saying that.
  "Callie Jackson, daughter of Poseidon. You hold my blessing. You helped save the world from Gaea, but suffered a tragedy. You're a true Hero. To Elysium Dear." He said. He wasn't paying much attention to me, so now is when I felt it was time to ask; I might not get another chance.
  "Lord Hades." I said "could I ask one favor."
  "What Child?" He asked glumly.
  "I would like to spend one week in the castle with you and Aunt Persephone. Then I will spend the rest of eternity in Elysium without bothering you. Please lord." I didn't want to sound like I was begging, but I really was.
  "I suppose so." He said. "Persephone got to the castle today to signal the beginning of Autumn. She'll show you around. In the next room over. Now run along, I have more souls and business to take care of." I skipped away, wanting to scream I was so happy. I had a plan to get out of here, and this was the first step.

   I walked into the living room to find Persphone lounged out on a couch.
  "Hello Madame Persphone. I am Callie Jackson, daughter of Poseidon. Hades has agreed to let me stay in the castle for a weeks time before going to Elysium. And I will get out of here." I said firmly. She suddenly was very interested.
  "How dear?" She asked.
  "The only way I can. On Thursday night."
  "What does that mean?"
  "That means, I'll go through Tartarus once again."

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