Chapter VI

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                                Percy's POV

I hugged my mom.
"I'll come back in three days, ok?" I told her. I had to go to camp for a couple days.
"Alright sweetheart." She said. "Be careful. Remember not to get killed."
"I will. Love you." I told her. I jogged out of the apartment door after kissing her cheek. When I got to the bottom of the building, I clicked the keys to my blue jeep. Somehow Paul afforded to buy me one. I jumped in and started the engine. I studied the picture I had of Callie on my keychain. Gods I missed her. I started driving through Long Island. After about 2 hours I reached the tip of Long Island. I parked my jeep at a parking lot across the road and jogged to the gate of camp. I was getting weird looks from Mortals. They were probably wondering why a seventeen year old was going to a strawberry farm, because that's what they saw. They didn't see the marvelous camp that I grew up at. They can't see what I see. A beautiful camp. I ran through the gate, all the way to the Athena cabin. I knocked. Annabeth's little brother Malcolm answered it.
"She's about to go check on our little sister in the infirmary. But she's over there." He said, and pointed to her bunk. I walked over and hugged her from behind. She tensed, then relaxed.
"Hey Perce" she said. "Let's go." She grabbed my hand and ran outside, dragging me with her. We burst through the doors and smiled at Will. He was almost always here.
"Who do you want to see?" He asked.
"Paisley Akins." Annabeth said.
"Room 14." Will said and pointed to the left. We walked down a hall a little ways. We reached a dark oak door with a bronze 14 platform in the middle. We opened the door, and I smiled.
"Hi Paisley, this is Percy. Percy, Paisley." Annabeth gestured to us.
"I know who he is! That's Percy Jackson! The savior of the world. Callie Jackson's big brother! Can you teach me how to swim?" Great. This little girl looked up to me and I was about to cry in front of her. Even a mention of Callie killed me inside. Then Noah came in.
"Yeah kid." I said smiling. "I could teach you how to swim. But focus on healing first." Callie would be better at it. She was really patient.
"Ok! I'm ready now!" She said, bouncing up and down. She tried dragging me to the beach with her good hand.
"Woah! Hey" I looked at Annabeth and smiled, then did the same to Paisley. "Look. I'll teach you as soon as possible but I can't right now. Heal." I said. She was practically bursting with excitement. I started to think of Callie. Her smile, her cries, her actions. He being so unselfish as to follow us into Tartarus. She was only twelve. I remember going to the underworld being the sarcastic little kid I was like "yo unky Hades what up?" But actually shaking because I was so scared. She went through Tartarus, fought in a war, fought the Minotaur, and died, now having to live in the underworld, and there was nothing I could do. Her temper had gotten her on Nico's bad side, boy did I remember that. She was the most powerful demigod I knew, she was blessed. She was graceful. She was magnificent. Raising the water fifty feet, then raising it higher because it flowed with her emotions. I could imagine her being sixteen. Flying, Controlling the sea, making storms, there was no telling what she could do. No matter how hard Hazel tried, she couldn't convince her dad to let Callie out. Paisley kind of reminded me of her. Small, smart, sassy. I wish I would have known about Callie when she was that little. But that's when I had just noticed I was a demigod. I wouldn't have worried about her. But will I regret not helping her fight that giant, not noticing her? That's the biggest mistake in my life, and I will never forgive myself.


Callie Jackson; The ReturnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang