Chapter XIX

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Callie's POV

  I started walking. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. Everything hurt. Where I was stabbed which felt like ages ago, my face, my leg, all the minor cuts I have. I crawled over to the wall. I ran my hand over it. It was all smooth obsidian, except for one spot. I remembered this spot. I tried to focus my eyes in the darkness. By looking and by running my fingers over it, I managed to figure out what it said.
'My heart belongs to Annabeth.'
Percy. This brought tears to my eyes, even though I was already crying. He fell down here for her. Yet sitting down here, dying of starvation, he was still only caring about her. He got out of this with her, and is in the real world, still in love with her. Annabeth. I sat under the carving. It was the closest I had to my brother right now. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peacefulness, then jumping up as fast as I could because I heard something moving. There, sitting in the open, was a woman. She was singing. (I'm addicted to this song. Don't judge me)
"And I will call upon your name
   And keep my eyes above the waves
  When oceans rise
  My soul will rest in your embrace
  For I am yours
And you are mine"
"That was beautiful." I said. She looked up and cracked a smile. She was gorgeous. I walked over to her.
  "Thank you." She said. All at once, she pounced on me, pinning my at the time weak self to the ground. She grinned even wider. Now I could tell she had pointed teeth, like a shark.
"I served your father for so many years" she growled. "Yet he let a mortal sailor kill me! But I'll have my revenge. Hurting his daughter sounds pretty good to me, do you agree?" I kicked her as hard as I could in her stomach, but being weak and tired, it wasn't enough.
  "Stupid girl." She cackled. She bit my neck, and I screamed in the process. I felt my blood puddle around me.
"I've apparently done enough." She said. Getting off me and dusting her hands off. I laid there, in my own blood, and passed out.

I must have slept for two days. The blood was dry around me, but my neck was still wet. I was as weak as I don't know what, yet I managed to stand. I started limping, which was the only way I could move. I looked around. The walls surrounded me, and suddenly, it clicked. This was an exact spot I was with Annabeth and Percy in.
'Climb up those rocks.' I thought 'turn right, right again, then left. Stomp as hard as you can and you'll end up in Tartarus heart.' I started crawling, the pain on my legs was too much. There were low moans in the distance, but I ignored them. Then I noticed what the moans were coming from. It sounded like people. I turned left instead of right and peered my head around the corner. There were two purple men and I noticed them at once. Khione, the snow goddess's brothers, and there was frost coming off they're clothes and skin. There she was holding her hand above them and shooting ice at them.
  "How dare you?! You couldn't even properly kill a twelve year old! I am ashamed to call you my brothers." She screamed. They were shivering with cold. She must have heard me wince because she looked up. I started crawling as fast as I could until I felt an intense pain shoot through the small of my back, which caused me to fall flat on my face. I laid there, listening to her footsteps draw nearer and her stomp around me.  She shot me again in the back of my neck. I held in a scream.
  "I think I've done enough, you're dead anyways. Go as fast as you can." She said. I crawled off, then took my right turn. I used a wedge in the obsidian to help myself into my only good leg. Hobbling, I took the second right turn. I limped through, checking me surroundings. There were no monsters anywhere. Weird. But that didn't bother me. It was the chatter in the distance. Still confused, I took the final left turn. I took a deep breath, mustering courage to continue.
"You'll get to see Percy." I told myself. "And Noah. And Kat. Everyone." I opened my eyes and cracked a smile that I hadn't done in a month. A month in hell will do that to you. I took a few steps, but then I started to panic. There was a bright flash of light, a slipping of my feet, and then I fell. With a soft thud, I felt not-so-solid ground. It shook in a beat beneath my feet. I stood, then fell again, doing this several times before getting up successfully. I looked around. Great. I remembered this exact spot. This was the heart of Tartarus. 'You idiot!' I thought.
'The doors were open last time. You're not getting out of here'
"Dear child." Someone said behind me. "Did you think I was never going to see you again?" He laughed.
"I'm- I'm not scared of you." I whispered.
"You're weaker this time. Well that's delightful! Easier on me!" He charged at me, pulling his sword out in the process. He sliced through my leg, making me fall. I stabbed at his stomach, yet being weak, I totally missed and hit his groin.
"Ah! Still persistent I see. I'll put a stop to that." He growled, stabbing though my heart. But yet, I felt nothing. It went through me like I was a ghost. He then fell on top of me.
  "I'm not dead yet." He bellowed. I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the impact of a sword. Suddenly, a warm feeling courses through my veins, and just as quickly, Tartarus flew off me, hitting the obsidian wall in front of me. Whoever had hit him picked me up. They held me close, then put me down in front of the doors, brushing the hair out of my face. I looked up into the face of a smiling Bob.
"Did you think I would leave you?" He asked, grinning.
"Never." I said hoarsely. He gathered a group of insanely large men and whispered to them. They were standing in a football huddle. They broke apart, making a semicircle. Bob came back over and squatted down in front of me.
"Callie." I could tell he was trying to choose his words carefully. "We could open the doors of death- what's that?" He said. My wrist was glowing. There was a celestial bronze charm bracelet. Hanging from it was a dagger, a replica of mount Olympus, and a trident.
  "A-a charm bracelet." I tapped the dagger. Fortana was suddenly in my hand.
  "Wicked." Whispered one of the Titans. I hit the hilt and it transformed back into the bracelet.
"Ready brothers?" Bob asked. They all nodded and closed their eyes. The doors slowly slid open with a rainbow of colors showering over us.
"Go." Bob said. "Get in" I jumped in and the doors shut. I didn't notice how tired and loopy I was. I was suddenly thrown out of the elevator, but my question was where was I? I looked down. My wrist was glowing. Glowing? It was a bright blue. Just as fast as the glowing started, it had stopped. There was a moon ocean charm.
'Asomi.' Was my first immediate thought. My eyesight blurred then went black. It went back into full color, but I couldn't see my surroundings. It was Asomi and Nico, looking up at the sky. Terror crossed their faces and they started running. 'What happened?! Tell me!' Then an unfamiliar voice said.
"The summoning has begun."

Hey guys! Ok so a quick word: follow NightStriker13 and read her daughter of night stories. We did a collaboration to make the last part happen. We are very pleased if you read both of our stories. I read hers and they are very amusing. READ THEM NOW. THANK YOU. READ. BYE PEOPLE

Callie Jackson; The Returnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें