Chapter 38

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Special thanks to @JeffBramlett @onk_beakman @wobooz24 and especially @akaVision for continuously voting and supporting my story. To everyone else, continue to comment and vote and you might just be mentioned next! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but here's the next chapter that I had already begun. Update: 11:30 pm, 7/22/16 Huge Fire in Northern Salt lake Utah, Antelope Island, the whole Island is on fire. Started about 2 hours ago, spread across the island in about 30 minutes, poor buffalo. Picture above. Update: it's spread to both sides, smoke filled the Salt Lake City valley entirely. Update: 14,000 acres gone.
Their invisibility shields disengaged, revealing the ones who started it all. Rogers and Grey turned around, holding the glowing orange weapons. Henderson lowered his hand from covering himself as we paused and pulled something out from behind him.

It took me a moment before I saw that it was the laser Scott showed me from the crates. Scott realized it too and shoved Kade behind the wall. The laser charged, electricity crackling among the four barrels.

I jumped across the hallway lightning fast and tackled Selina just as he fired the Electric barrel from his shoulder. Lightning bolts scorched the wall above us. Static filled my visor and pins and needles made their way up and down my body as the edge of the beam passed me. My wound burned. With a bit of effort, I pushed Selina and me the rest of the way behind the corner opposite to Sift, Kade, and Scott.

Kade fired his SAW around the corner and the beam stopped as Fireteam Prime took cover. Selina fired her shotgun, the spray spreading out on the walls and ceiling. I looked past her to the door Henderson took cover next to. We needed to get to Kyle, his door was at the end of this hallway, but it was a long hallway. I pulled back and shouted past the wall, "Fireteam Prime, stand down and surrender, we have you outnumbered!"

He called back, "Ha! By only one person! And we have weapons you could never dream of getting your hands on! How about you surrender while you still have most of your team members!"

I scowled. Wait! He said one! Either he has an extra person we don't know about or he doesn't know about Sift! That could be used to our advantage. I spoke just loud enough over the gunfire to talk to Selina. "Get ready to cover Scott."

She looked at me but nodded. I spoke over the private com to Sift, Kade, and Scott. "Sift, since they don't know about you, me, Kade, and you are going to serve as a distraction. I'll throw a flash grenade and Sift will take Rogers, Scott gets Grey and I'll take Henderson. Kade, knock them out once we restrain them."

They all winked their acknowledgement lights, not pausing the firefight even during the time of our conversation. I grabbed a flash grenade off of my belt and threw it into the corridor. There was an ear-ringing explosion and I ran out, Sift in front. I tackled Henderson, catching him off guard with his hand still up to shield from the blast.

As we rolled backwards I saw Scott race past to tackle Grey, Kade following. Selina stayed back but moved into the middle of the hallway, firing short bursts. I leant sideways on his back and held his right arm. I struggled to hold Henderson down and twisted his arm behind his back, placing my knee on his back. He struggled to keep me from bending it too far and grabbed a knife from his left thigh. I saw the glint of the blade and twisted out of the way as he blindly stabbed backwards. He managed to twist over and I placed my knee of his chest, stepping on his right hand. He brought his left hand up to stab me in the arm but I caught it. He dropped his arm suddenly and stabbed my armor on my thigh. It barely pierced before I caught that too and only the tip stuck in.

I flinched however and he slipped his left arm out, pulling the knife out. I grabbed his hands as he tried to shove it upwards. We struggled back and forth for a moment before I pushed it to one side and slammed his hand into the ground. The blade skittered away.

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