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-3rd Person POV-

Izaya walks home without the usual skip in his step. The sounds of humans bustling around him would usually raise him above them. But now he felt quite low and he couldn't figure out why. He finally makes it to his apartment to see Namie going through some files.

"You look like crap," she comments right as he walks in.

"So do you, but that's not abnormal," Izaya says with as much sarcasm as possible.

Namie judge shakes her head and continues what she is doing. Izaya takes off his jacket and throws it on the couch. He heads to his computer and opens the chat room. A couple of people are online.

Taro Tanaka: just hung out with my friends today, it makes me happy to have friends even though I'm still new to the city.

Setton: That's awesome! I also spent the day with my significant other.

Saika: That's so cool that everyone was able to be with the people that love today.

Taro Tanaka: Yeah! What about you Kanra?

Izaya sighs and wonders if he will ever be able to get away from that kid.

Kanra: I spent my day with the person most important to me...

Kanra: Myself^_^

Setton: Haha very funny

-Bakyura has entered the chat room-

Bakyura: Dudes! Just got back from a date with my awesome girlfriend!!

Izaya sighs and tells him off and messes with Taro Tanaka for a bit and logs off. He leans back in his seat and sees that Namie is not there and must have left. Probably to go stalk her brother for a little while, he thinks.

But as he thought about it longer he realized that at least she has someone. Everyone he knows has someone in their personal or professional life that they can count on. Even his sisters who are so distanced from reality at least have each other. Izaya never thought like this, he never considered himself lonely before. He would always have his humans but somewhere inside him that was now surfacing, perhaps he was scared of being alone.


Days pass and Izaya forces himself to go through the motions in order to ignore the rising anxiety in his mind. He takes as many job opportunities as available and even decides to do some of the dirty work himself. While he sits at a bar waiting for a contact a young women approaches and sits next to him.

"Here alone?" She asks making obvious attempts to flirt with him.

Izaya smirks but inside does not even feel the motivation to mess with her. The skimpy outfit and the outrageous amount of makeup just put him off.

"Desperate much?" He responds sarcastically.

She glares and puts her hand on her hip and Izaya grins at her anger. She sighs and looks back to her drink.

"Figures all the remotely attractive guys in this joint are gay."

"Excuse me?"

She gives him an irritated look. "You aren't even the slightest bit aroused by me, I've been doing this for awhile now and I can tell which way a person swings."

"Ooh intelligent now are we?" Izaya says really wanting her to leave.

She just scoffs. "Never claimed to be but I'm not an idiot. Don't assume crap about people. Some blondes have brains, some cold-hearted bastards can love."

With that she leaves and Izaya sighs as she goes. As he sits there a certain bartender comes to mind and he immediately panics and pushes the thoughts away. Then a burly man sits next to him and Izaya is glad to be distracted by the actual reason he came to the bar.

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