Chapter One

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Santana's POV

I had just arrived home from my month at cheerleading camp. I guess you could say it was fun. My roomate was tolerable and I met some pretty cool people. I had walked through the door to be showered with questions from my mom.

"How was it? Did you make friends? Did you like your roommate? Did you even get a roommate? How was the cheering?" Mom rambled on. I was too tired from the trip to answer so I just looked at her then walked to my bedroom.

"Or get some rest and tell me later. That's fine too." My mom called behind me. I layed on my bed and rested my eyes and eventually fell asleep.


I woke to my alarm beeping. I groaned and hit it then got ready for school. As I got to school I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Can I help you man hands?" I asked the girl with the sweater and headband on in front of me. She smiled.

"Well I just wanted to say welcome back Santana. Even with our differences I still consider you my friend you know." She said.

"Yeah sure. Okay." I said then turned to my locker and away from the Jew. I got my books out my locker and shut it and turned to see a familiar blonde.

"Quinn." I said.

"Santana. Good to see you. Can't wait for Cheerios try outs. We are totally gonna rock it after going to camp." Quinn said a little too excitedly. Yeah, you guessed it. She was the tolerable roomate.

"Totally" I said then walked away. "Not." I said to myself. I got into class and sat at an empty table crossing my fingers dwarf or Quinn wouldn't walk in. The late bell rang and soon after a blonde came rushing in. A familiar blonde actually. Very familiar. She wasn't Quinn that's for sure. She was way to beautiful to be Quinn.

"Sorry I'm late but I got a little lost." She spoke so softly. I loved it. No. Santana snap out of it.

"That's fine just take a seat near Santana." The teacher said pointing at me. Oh god. She looked my direction and smiled widely. Well she definitly recognized me. She came over and sat next to me.

"So Brittany. What are you doing here?" I asked her a little nervous.

"Well my mom got a job here so I ended up moving right after camp. Isn't this cool though. Now I get to spend more time with my favorite person." She said while smiling. Shoot, I better not be blushing. I'm not blushing. Cheeks stop it.

"This will definitely be fun." I said. She smiled then payed attention to the board. Will it be fun? I have this gut feeling that this year will be a big long emotional filled rollercoaster. Riders beware and make sure you didn't eat before you got on this hot life This will be the longest year of my life.

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