Chapter Eleven

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Brittany's POV

"So when did you guys meet?" Finn asked as we entered the sports shop.

"Cheerleading camp." I said as memories flooded back into my mind. Finn nodded.

"How did you meet?" He asked.

"Well, I was trying to find my cabin and she helped me find it." I said as the memory came up.

"So what's your name?" She asked me.

"Brittany." I said.

"I'm Santana." Santana. What a pretty name for a beautiful girl.

"Thank you." She blushed.

"Crap I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked. She giggled and nodded.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud and make you uncomfortable." I told her.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable. I'm glad you did say it out loud." She said. She's so perfect. I'm in love. I mean I like her. I just met her, but then again. There is such a thing as love at first sight.

"Well here is your cabin." She said as we stopped infront of it.

"Thanks again." I said as I leaned in for a hug. She kissed me then rushed away leaving me shocked.

"Sounds wow." Finn said.

"It was more than wow." I said. He laughed.

"I bet it was. So what happened after that?" He asked.

"Well. I talked to her about the kiss and we ended up being in a relationship." I told him.

"Just like that? Wow." He said.

"Yeah there's a lot of wow's." I laughed.

Santana's POV

"So why did you kiss her?" Rachel asked.

"I felt drawn towards her. It felt right, so I kissed her." I said plain and simple.

"So then you just get into a relationship?" She asked.

"It was love at first sight. I thought you of all people would understand that Rach." I said.

"Yes, you're very right, I just never expected it from you." She said.

"Are you saying that you never expected me to find love?" I asked her.

"I just never thought you would believe in a thing like love at first sight." She said.

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me man hands." I said plainly. She just nodded and we continued shopping.
After we finished shopping we all went to breadstixs. Rachel kept staring at Brittany and I. It was creepy.

Ring. The bell on the door rang. Indicating someone had entered the building.

"Nobody move!" He yelled. I grabbed Brittany close quickly.

"Stay quiet." I whispered to her. She nodded and stayed in my embrace. Finn did the same with Rachel.

"Put the money in the bag." He yelled. Brittany gasped causing the robber to turn to her.

"Got something to say lady? You know, you're kind of pretty." He said while walking over to us with a perverted smile.

"Don't you touch her!" I spat. He just grinned wider.

"Feisty. I like it." He said. Luckily Finn and Rachel were under the table so he couldn't see them.

"You done with that money?!" He asked as the cashier threw him the bag full of money.

"Hmm. I can always get a girl next time." He said while walking towards the door.


"Santana!" And that was the last thing I heard.

Summer LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora