Chapter Six

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Santana's POV

I woke up in Brittany's arms. I smiled to myself at the feeling. I want to be with her so much. I got up and sighed. I can't do this. I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh hi Santana. Listen I have to go to work, but your Abuela should be coming soon." My mom greeted me.

"Wait, what?" I asked while starting to pace.

"Yeah, she wanted to see you. You love your Abuela you'll have fun." She said.

"No, mami. You don't understand. I haven't came out to her yet. I'm not ready." I said to her.

"Mija. You have to tell her sooner or later. If you don't want to tell her now then fine, but one day you will have to." She told me.

"But, Brittany..." I said looking down.

"Brittany? Uh huh. I knew it. Guess that day is today then." She told me. I sighed. She was right.

"Hi." I heard coming from the staircase. It was Brittany. She just woke up, you could tell because you could see the tiredness in her eyes. She walked up to me and hugged me then kissed my cheek.

"Morning." My mom told her. I didn't say anything. I just walked upstairs and got dressed before my Abuela came. Brittany walked in with a concerned look.

"You okay?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little nervous." I told her. She nodded.

"I'll be right there next to you." She told me as she grabbed my hand. I smiled. She was just so perfect.

"I love you." Did I just say that? I love her? Do I love her? I love her. Yeah. It sounds nice.

"I love you too." She said with a wide smile. I smiled back. I'm deeply in love with her aren't I? Yeah. I am. But that's a good thing. Knock knock knock. That's her.

"Are you ready?" She asked me. I nodded and smiled. She took my hand and we walked downstairs to see my Abuela with a big smile plastered on her face. Little did she know that that smile would soon disappear. I walked to her gave her a hug.

"Did your mom cook? She better have or I'm going to give a her la chancla." She told me. I laughed slightly.

"I already ate it's okay. Abuela I have to tell you something. Come here. Sit with me." I told her as I sat on the couch. Quinn was with Brittany in the kitchen keeping her occupied. As much as I wanted her next to me I knew I wanted to do this alone more.

"Okay. What's this about? Are you pregnant?" She asked me.

"No, no, no. It's not that. You know those two friends in the kitchen?" I asked her.

"Si. They look nice." She told me.

"Abulea. I love both of them. They're my best friends, but I love one of them a little more than the other." I told her.

"So you pick favorites. You're my favorite grandchild but I still love your cousin Julio." She told me.

"No Abuela. Escúchame." I told her. She nodded and let me continue.

"I love Brittany like I'm supposed to love boys. I'm in love with Brittany. And when I'm with her I feel good about myself. I know what love feels like when people talk about it." I told her. There it was. Her smile had disappeared. She was shocked and she didn't say anything.

"Well. I made the wring decision on coming here. Don't expect me to come back until you get the demon you call your love out of your system!" She said and walked out. I was so shocked I hadn't realized that I was crying. Brittany came and hugged me tightly.

"I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you. You're perfect." She whispered to me.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. You're perfect. Some people just can't see that." She told me while wiping my tears.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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