Chapter Sixteen

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Santana's POV

"I want a schedule change. I want all my classes with her." I said to Ms. Pillsbury as she starred shocked at me.

"Um, well. We could try getting you into her all classes, but I don't think it's possible. Especially in the middle of the year." She told me.

"I don't care. Finn and Rachel have all the same classes. So I want to have all same classes with Brittany." I demanded.

"Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do. I'll let you know if the schedule change was successful or not. Alright?" She said. I nodded and walked out with Brittany.

"And that is how you get the job done." I told her.

"We still have to wait and see if you are actually going to get one or not. Plus, we have today and I don't want to see him." She said looking a little sad now.

"How about we ditch the rest of school and move your stuff into my place. My mom should be at work by now so we wouldn't get in trouble." I told her. She smiled wide.

"Sounds perfect." She said. I smiled and grabbed her hand as we ran down the hall and out the school.


We had just brought the last of Brittany's things. It wasn't really a move in, but she had most of her clothes here and stuff. Her mom said it was okay that she stayed with me so here we are.

I layed on the bed exhausted from the long day we had. Brittany came running in with her headphones on as she bopped her head to the music. I just stared at her waiting to see how long she noticed that I was there. She looked around and spotted me and smiled.

"I've been looking for you!" She said happily.

"Well i've been here this whole time." I told her. She took her headphones out and later next to me. We cuddled there for a while in silence until Brittany spoke.

"I'm so excited to be living with you! It's going to be awesome. I'll see you 24/7!" She exclaimed.

"Just how I like it." I said as I kissed her cheek. She giggled and blushed.

We ended up falling asleep into each others arms just enjoying the moment.


I was woken up to someone trying to wake up Brittany.

"Cmon you spoiled brat it's time to go home." He said as she woke up. It was Gabriel.

"I'm staying here, you can't make me go." She said. I sat up.

"Listen Gabriel. You aren't her real father. You are just the fathers abusive rapist friend that decided to marry the mother after the father and mother got divorced. Now I don't know what happened to you that your mind got so sick and twisted that you had to abuse and rape Brittany, but let me tell you this: It's over now. She's mine and if you lay even a finger on her well, you better watch your back." I told him. He stood straight not sure on what to say.

"Is that a threat young lady?" He asked me.

"No, more like a warning." He stood there a little shocked and said nothing else. Brittany and I got up and left the room afterwards.

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