Chapter Eighteen

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Santana's POV

I paced around the hospital waiting room as the doctors rushed in and out of Brittany's room. Finn was trying to calm Rachel as she couldn't stop crying. I had a mix of emotions running through me. Anger, hurt, rage, sadness. I wanted to kill him. He needed to pay for what he had done to Brittany.

"I'm looking for a Santana?" A doctor asked.

"That's me!" I said as I rushed over to him.

"Well Ms. Pierce seems to be conscious. She's in a weak state though and will have to stay here for a little longer until she's at full strength. The knife went deeper than we had expected which would explain the amount of blood loss. She's asking for you by the way. I would hurry though because she could pass out at any time." He said.

"Thank you doctor." I said as I rushed into Brittany's room.

"Santana?" Brittany asked.

"I'm here Britt-Britt." I told her as I walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"I missed you. I woke up and you weren't here. I got sad." She told me with a frown.

"I know, I missed you too. I got really worried about you." I said as held her hand even tighter. She nodded. She looked so weak and pale and run down. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"San, I love you." She said as her eyes began to close.

"I love you too Brittany." I said as tears began to stream down my face. Her hand had let go of mine and her breathing began to slow down. I got up and went to go get the doctor I pulled him in as nurses told me to leave.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know she's okay!!" I yelled as nurses try'd to grab me and pull me out. I kicked them off and rushed to Brittany's bed side as doctors were wiring things into her. Finn rushed in and pulled me out.

"Finn let me go! Let me go! Stop it! I want to be with her! Let me go!" I screamed as he pulled me out the doorway and nurses shut the door. I banged on the door each time yelling louder.

"Let me in! Let me in!" I yelled. I cryed as Finn rested his hand on my shoulder.

"It's over Santana." He told me. I slid down the door trying to dry my tears. Rachel sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"She's our warrior unicorn. She'll be fine." She told me. I nodded and sat on the bench in the waiting room. Brittany was going to be okay. She was going to wake up. We were going to go home and be happy together. Gabriel would be rotting in his grave. I will get my revenge. He's going to pay. No one and I mean no one messes with my Brittany and gets away with it. Gabriel Gomez, you better watch your back.

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