Chapter Nine

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Santana's POV

A few days had passed and Brittany finally got a new history teacher. I hate rapist. Especially when they're trying to rape my Britt Britt. Only I do that and it's not rape if she enjoys it.

Knock knock knock.

"Go answer it please." I groaned. Brittany sighed, kissed my forehead and got up from the bed to answer the door. She's so good to me. Why do I even deserve her?

A minute later Brittany came back in.

"Your grandma is here." She told me. What? I froze in shock. What do I do? Escape through the window? Yeah that sounds about right. I got up and went to the window and opened it.

"What are you doing?" Brittany asked me.

"Escaping what else?" I said as I was half way out the window. Brittany pulled me back in. I was so close to freedom.

"You have to talk to her at some point San." She told me. She was right. I knew she was right, but I just didn't want to. I sighed.

"Okay. You're right. I know I have to talk to her....but that doesn't mean I have to right now." I said as I tried to dash for the window again. Brittany grabbed my arm and spun me around. As much as I hated her right now I still got butterflies at that moment.

"Talk her San. Please, for me?" She asked. I sighed.

"Fine, okay. I'll go talk to her." I said then went to the living room where I saw my Abuela sitting on the couch. I inhaled sharply then sat next to her.

"Hi" was all I could get out.

"Do you love her Santana?' She asked. I nodded.

"Yes. I do. She makes me feel very special. She makes me happy." I said.

"Do you love her Brittany?" She asked as Brittany walked into the room.

"Yes. I love her very much. She is the best thing that has ever been mine." Brittany said with a smile which made me smile. My Abulea inhaled sharply.

"Okay. I don't think that I would ever like this if you weren't my granddaughter. But you are and I love you Santana, I will support yours and Brittany's relationship." She said. I smiled wide and hugged her.

"I love you Abuelita." I told her.

"I love you too. Now." She stated as she stood.

"You better not hurt her or I will come after you." She said to Brittany.

"You won't have to worry about that. I would never hurt her. I love her too much to ever do that." Brittany said as she sat next to me and grabbed my hands in hers. My Abuela smiled.

"Good. I should go now. I'll be back for Thanksgiving!" She called as she walked out the door.

"Well looks like my plan worked." Brittany said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Well I just happened to call your Abuela to come here and talk to you, to talk about us and give s a second chance." She said.

"You're a genius." I told her.

"I know." She said. I giggled at her cockyness.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" I said.

"Tell me again." She said. I smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She replied. We spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching TV.

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