Chapter Seventeen

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Santana's POV

Brittany and I walked into breadstixs and walked to the table where Finchel sat at.

"Hey guys, glad you could show up." Rachel said smiling.

"Yeah, we are too. My stupid step dad was at San's house." Brittany said.


We had a great evening, spending time with Finn and Rachel was actually a lot of fun, as much as I hate to say it.

We had just finished dinner and Finn ,being the gentlemen he was, was going to pay for the meal. We all waited for the check and I couldn't help, but get this gut feeling someone was watching us from a far. I grabbed Brittany's and looked around the restaurant.

"Sanny, are you okay?" She asked me.

"I just uh, feel like someone is watching us." I said. Finn and Rachel began to look around too. We had spotted no one and the check came so we eventually shrugged it off and left.


We decided to continue the evening with a stroll in the park. Just four friends having fun. We got ice cream, talked, laughed. It was a lot of fun, but then the gut feeling cane back. Someone had to have been watching us.

As we kept walking I noticed a man had been behind us walking down the path for 20 minutes now. I didn't want to look back, but I alerted the others. We all agreed to split up and see who he followed. Finn and Rachel went left and Brittany and I went right. As I suspected the man decided to follow us. We turned a corner where he was met a dead end. Finn and Rachel appears behind him. He was trapped.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked demandingly. He stepped into the light as he was hidden in the shadows.

"I came to take Brittany home with me. She shouldn't be out this late. I'm just concerned for my step daughter." He said.

"Concerned my ass! Not today rapist! Go to hell!" I said as I grabbed Brittany's hand and rushed past him. Brittany ran up to Finn and Rachel, but Gabriel had pulled me into his grasp.

"Get the hell off me! Let go of me you sick bastard!" I said trying to break free.

"If I can't have her might as well have the pretty girlfriend." He said seductively. Finn rushed to him trying to knock him down. He didn't succeed in knocking him down, but I was able to get out of his grasp. We started running away as he chased us.

"Oh no you don't!" He yelled as he pulled out a knife. He caught hold of Brittany's hair and pulled her back as she screamed.

"Say bye bye Sanny!" He said as he stabed her in the stomach then pushing her to the ground. He stabbed her again before walking away. I ran to Brittany as Rachel call 911.

"Its going to be okay Britt. Stay with me. Please, stay with me." I said as I cried.

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