Chapter Seven

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Santana's POV

I woke up to an empty space on my left. I looked around the room, but I couldn't spot Brittany. I got dressed and walked downstairs to the site of Quinn yelling out ingredients and directions and Brittany struggling to follow them. I laughed and walked up to them.

"From what I can get breakfast smells good." I said too them.

"Hahaha. Make all the jokes you want lezpez. When we're done you'll be eating your own words." Quinn told me.

"Okay sure." I told her.

"I give up. Can we just go to breadstixs?" Brittany asked the both of us.

"I'm fine with that, how about you fabgay?" I asked looking towords Quinn.

"Yeah fine." She said while already walking out the door. We followed her out and went to breadstixs. We sat at a booth and read our menus when I heard a certain particular voice.

"Santana, Quinn, Brittany! Hi guys!" The jew said while walking over. I sighed and then looked at her.

"Hey Dwarf. Oh Frankenteen too?" I said looking at the tall boy holding her hand.

"Yup we're on a date, but it would be even better if we joined you guys!" She said sitting down while Finn grabbed a chair over and sat down too. Brittany just smiled probably at the though if more friends.

"So are you two dating yet?" Rachel asked as I chocked on my coke.

"Um, what? How did-" I was cut off by Brittany.

"Yes we are!" She said kissing my cheek.

"Well that's good, Santana does look a little happier now and less bitchy." Rachel responded while looking at me.

"I'm still the feisty bitch that will go all Lima heights on you. You don't want to see auntie Snixx." I told her while sipping my drink.

"Okay, okay." She while laughing a putting her hands up in surrender.

"Awe, she's so cute when she acts tough" Brittany said while pinching my cheeks. I just sat there and mumered thing while Finn, Rachel and Quinn were laughing.

"Guess snixx can't go Lima heights on some people." Rachel said.

"Guess snixx can't go Lima hieghts on some people, bleh!" I mimicked her. She stuck her tounge out at me and I did the same.

"Ladies there's plenty of puckerman to go around you don't need to fight." We heard a voice behind us. He walked up to us.

"Hey Santana." He said with a wink.

"Yeah I'm taken. It was a one time thing Puck." I told him.

"What? Who are you taken by? Pyramid nipples?" He asked while pointing at Finn.

"No gross. I tried that he's not so good bed." I said.

"Well I beg to differ, but...carry on." Rachel said.

"I'm taking by Brittany." I said.

"Wait. I hooked up with a lezzy? I'm slightly turned on by this." He said.

"Uh. We're gonna go. Find someone else Puck." I said while grabbing Brittany's hand and walking out.

"Bye Noah." Rachel said and followed us with Finn. Quinn didn't follow. I wonder why. That's up until she walked out looking mad.

"Ugh, I can't believe him. He thinks he just has me because of Beth. I am no ones!" She said frustratedly.

"How about we all just go back to my place?" I suggested. Everyone agreed and we walked back to my house.

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