Chapter Ten

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Santana's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned as I answered it. 

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey San! What are you up to?" Rachel said. Why was she so cheery and loud? I had to pull the phone away for a second just to ring out my ears.

"Well I was sleeping, but you called so not anymore." I groaned.

"Sounds fun. Anyways I was wondering if you would go to the mall with me. You could bring Brittany if you want I don't really care." She said a little fast.

"Please explain to me why out of all your friends you pick me?" I asked a little annoyed.

"I just thought that we could hang out." She said a little disappointed.

"Alright fine. What time?" I asked.

"Meet me at the mall in Forever 21 at 4!" She exclaimed as she hung up. I sighed. What did I just get myself into?

Just then I felt an arm wrap around me from behind me.

"Who was it?" Brittany whispered husky in my ear.

"Just man hands wondering if she wanted to hang out at the mall. You're invited." I told her.

"Sounds fun." She got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower. You're invited." She said with a wink. With that I raced towards the bathroom. Wanky.
Brittany and I had just entered the Forever 21 and looked around for Rachel.

"Hey, you made it!" I heard behind us. Why were here again? To hang out? I turned around to see non other than the lovely duo Dwarf and Frakenteen. Brittany just smiles and waved to them.

"Glad we could make it too." I told her.

"So I thought after the shopping we could go to breadstixs maybe a have a little double date? What do you say?" She asked. You know, I'm always up for a little breadstixs date.

"Sure sounds fun." I smiled. Rachel smiled wide.

"Great. Santana you come with me and Brittany go with Finn." Rachel said as she dragged me away to the women's clothes. I saw Finn drag Brittany out the store and go somewhere else in the mall.

"So, you and Brittany." Rachel said as she looked through clothes.

"What about Britt and I?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, how are you guys?" We asked impatiently.

"We're perfect." I said with a smile. Rachel smiled.

"I don't think i've ever seen you as happy as you are now. You really love her don't you." She said.

"Yeah. I love her a lot. She makes me happy." I said while smiling at the thought of her.

"Good. It's nice to see you happy for once San. I know we don't get along the most, but I would like to be great friends with you." She said looking up at me.

"I'll make sure to put your picture up in my locker among all my other friends." I said to her. She smiled and hugged me.

"Well, let the shopping continue." She said as she dragged me to other isles.

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