Chapter Nineteen

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1 month later

Brittany's POV

It's been a month now that i've been "unconscious." Santana hadn't gone home at all. She looked so tired. She barely got any sleep. Finn and Rachel occasionally came in to bring her food and clothes. They always tried to get her home, but she wouldn't budge. Santana Lopez was broken. Me I was just a ghost. Well at least I think I am. I'm a spirit of some kind. A lost soul. I tryed yelling for her, but then I relized she couldn't see or hear me. I couldn't get back I to my body either. It was weird. It broke me to see Santana like this too. It was so...depressing.

Rachel's POV

I sighed as Finn and I were making our weekly trip to the hospital to see Brittany and bring fresh supplies for Santana. It was so sad to her the both of them in the states they were in.

"It's gonna be okay.." Finn told me as he grabbed my hand. I looked at him in the eyes.

"Never leave me." I told him.

"I promise." He swore. We both then walked into the hospital room.

"Hey Santana." I said. She didn't say anything. She simply waved and stared at Brittany. She used to cry over it, but the crying stopped. The tears just stopped and Santana became empty. We gave her her clothes and food and left the room. I sighed as we walked out the hospital.

Finn's POV

It's been a rough month. Santana has probably taken the most hardest. Rachel has taken it pretty hard too. I grabbed her hand as we walked to my truck and got in.

"I hope she wakes soon." Rachel said.

"That's all we can do isn't it. Hope. It's what the doctors and everyone tells us to do, but hope won't wake her up. Hope hasn't worked for the past month." I said about ready to snap.

"Yeah, but it's all we have." She said resting her hand on mine. I sighed and began to drive home.

Santana's POV

Pale skin, cracked lips, closed eyes. Brittany looked dead. I prayed I cryed I hoped. Nothing happened, so I stopped. I stopped hoping, praying, crying. There was just nothing left for me to do. I sat here everyday for a month now waiting to see her beautiful blue eyes again. They never showed up though. She just layed there lifeless. Souless. All these wires connected to her were the only things keeping her alive. It was so heartbreaking. I was already broken though. The moment I stepped in the room to see her. My heart had shattered. The worst part is that I can't do anything. Gabriel is on the run and the police still haven't found him. He's just a sick twisted coward. I hate him.

Finn and Rachel keep coming and trying to help me, but I don't want their help. There is nothing they can offer me that I would want. The only thing I want is for Brittany to wake up.

Summer LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora