Chapter 4

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Hey everyone ! Wolf_Fire_Ice here, I just wanted to tell you that the test I had to make last monday was a succes I passed it ! So I felt so happy i decided to post this chapter! As Always Enjoy and leave a comment please!


Farrell's P.O.V.

I woke up the next Monday morning feeling well rested and charged with energy, which was a bit weird seeing as I heard bad news yesterday and I felt a bit out of it. I went and did my morning routine like washing myself and getting dressed, got my bag together for today and walked down the stairs for breakfast. Mom will be so shocked! Usually she has to call me at least three times before I'm up and ready to go.

But the surprise was on me; I walked into the kitchen and saw Connor sitting at the kitchen table looking hot as ever. I think I even dropped my bag and my jaw. He turned around and smirked at me "Good morning sleepyhead." He came over and kissed me on the LIPS in front of my parents. Dad just grumbled something about teenagers. "What is going on? Is there some hidden camera thing going on I don't know about?" I asked looking dazed around the kitchen. Connor chuckled "No love, you do remember me promising not to leave you until you fell asleep and picking you up today for school right?" I nod, "Well somehow you didn't fall asleep before eleven thirty and your parents wouldn't let me go home. And somehow my mom came by with clean clothes like she knew something like this was going to happen." I shrugged my shoulders, whatever and started on my breakfast.

Then it was time to go to school, and seeing Connor came with his bike yesterday we are going to school by bike today. Connor quietly laughed at me; I must have shown my enthusiasm for his bike. He gave me his spare helmet, put his own on hopped on the bike and waited for me. Waving at my parents, adjusting my bag straps so my bag doesn't fall off I hop on and were at school in record time. We still had thirty minutes left until school started, but a lot of people were already there, including Connor's friends and ex-girlfriend Missy. I felt a little anxious about Missy; I heard a rumour that she can be very vicious if things don't go her way.

'Don't worry about her; let her be. I really want to introduce you to my real friends, like I told you last night you have nothing to worry about. Mike might not like you in the beginning but he'll warm up to you if you give him time okay?' I nod to him to show him I'm ready to meet his friends, and take a deep breath.

They all gathered at the sight of Connor, all chattering that stops when they see someone behind him on the bike. Especially Missy, her mouth is hanging open in a big O. The rest of his friends like Alex, Kate, Jared are all excited and frequently touch me; like wolves do when they meet someone new. They all murmur soft things to me; Kate and Alex say it's nice to finally meet the person who nearly got Alex and Connor killed. I had to snicker at that one. Mike on the other hand was glaring at me; 'Just don't think I will like you because you're Connor's mate you queer!'

Inwardly I sighed and rolled my eyes before replying; 'I never expected you to, I just hope we can at least be civil with each other, that's the only thing I ask.' Mike just turned his head the other way, ignoring me completely. Jared on the other hand is a cheerful jock, but there lurks something behind those laughing blue eyes, which gives me the creeps.

Missy on the other hand gives me a one over before walking over to Connor and hang from his arm. He raises an eyebrow at me, okay Missy challenge accepted. Connor sees the gleam in my eye and smirks. Missy sees it and probably thinks he smirks at her and opens her mouth to say something, but before she can get a word out, I yank her away from Connor and take her place at his side. I probably used a little too much force, seeing as she ended up on the floor on her ass.

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