Chapter 5

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Connor's P.O.V

I got really worried because I haven't heard of Farrell since his last link, saying he was in trouble at school. So I rushed like a fool back to school and found tyre marks on the asphalt and scent of different people who don't belong here or anywhere near here. But the thing that worried me the most was when I followed Farrell's trail it ended in the metallic smell of blood.

That didn't bode well, and especially the fact I couldn't seem to get in touch with him. So of course I did what any panicked person would do - I called my dad. He already knew everything since mom already was hysterical since she got the news Ella wasn't seen since her school let out. And the worst thing was the only person who might know something wasn't talking, at least not talking to me or any one related to me in anyway.

What got me even more pissed off, since I know this person gets joy out of seeing me like this - haggard grumpy and annoyed. People avoided me at the pack meetings, hallways, or any public place where we had a chance to meet. I don't blame them, I mean I would avoid myself if I were them, I look terrible but my parents look even worse. And the worst thing of all is not being able to do anything, the police said they would handle it but there is nothing being done; they look in the wrong places, they take unnecessary statements from people who have nothing to do with the fact Farrell got kidnapped in broad day light!

Missy's P.O.V

I was very hurt the day I found out Connor found his mate and it wasn't me, I mean we were girlfriend and boyfriend for four months! That had to count for something! And then all of a sudden he started showing interest in that Farrell geek. He couldn't stop talking about him, it was always Farrell this, Farrell that - why couldn't he focus on me? I found it very frustrating.

I mean everything was peachy until the party at the mayor's house where Connor found his mate. And he introduced Farrell as his mate - There is no way I would stand for that! Connor's mine, he just doesn't know that I'm his one true mate, his heart and soul. Not that Farrell geek!

So it was just my luck I saw the way Matt looked at Farrell the day Connor introduced him as his mate, I saw anger, resentment, and best of all jealousy. Hmm so someone else doesn't agree with the new happy couple? I can work with that, I just need to figure out how to talk to him without being public about it.

I mean if anyone would see me talk to him in public my image and popularity I worked so hard for the last few years would go down the drain before you could say bob's your uncle! I didn't even tell my besties Kelley and Natasha about Matt. The less people who knew about the plan I was hatching, the better.

As the weeks went by I got a great idea, what if I could make it look like Farrell cheated on Connor with Matt and Connor would get so angry with Farrell and break off this little fling he had. Maybe I could pull some strings and get Farrell and Matt together as he seems very angry about the fact Connor got the Farrell before he could.

And as my luck would have it, the opportunity to talk to Matt presented it self to me. He was outside in the courtyard cleaning up the litter and stuff as punishment for getting into a fight with some guy the other day, I on the other hand was just out to throw away some old things when I happened to spot him, it just so happened that the nearest trashcan was next to Matt.

Of course when I first presented my plan to him he was of course cautious as he and I had never met or got along in social status. He was even more skittish when I mentioned he could have Farrell and was furious at being caught at looking at Farrell the day Connor announced they were mates.

The Moon's Silent Cry (boyxboy)[Complete not fully edited]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora