Chapter 11

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Connor’s P.O.V

It’s strange how easily people get back in routine after a big event. With this I mean having Matt put down and Missy leaving. Everybody just accepted it and moved on. The only reminder was the wailing of Matt’s mother. It was decided that she should stay in the hospital for the rest of her natural live. She became very unstable after Matt was put down, and Farrell feeling sorry for her went to visit her one-day and she had a panic attack or something, because she started shouting and throwing things at him. He hasn’t visited her since.

Mike for that matter has made the best of things everything considered. Farrell told me he felt honoured that Mike wanted us there when they carried out his father’s punishment. I still need to get used to the fact that he has an older mate. I guess he does too, because he gets very uncomfortable when Ryan openly shows his affection for him. He is getting better at it, but it will take a long time before he will openly accept the affection.  Also I think the death of his father has something to do with him accepting Ryan too. Since his father was one of the same gender mate haters, Mike didn’t know how to handle the situation then. Now he is slowly making progress with giving his father’s death a place in his life. He goes regularly to doctor Mary our pack psychologist, who says they are making great progress.

Now everything would be like it should, everybody is happy and found his or her mate. Thanks to the junkyard pack joining ours. And still I can’t shake the fact that something is wrong. I feel like I have been left out of the loop. My feeling started at the time that Farrell decided to go to our pack doctor Carter for his regular check up and came out dazed. He wouldn’t talk to me about it at all. Which I find very strange, we talk about everything and hide nothing. I know he is hiding something from me, but what I can’t tell. When I asked him if he was alright he said yes and left it at that.

I was surprised to see him dazed for hours on end, or not react when I ask him something. The worst thing of all was that his grades were slipping as well. Usually he is at the top of his class and now his average is a C −.  If he continues in this fashion he won’t be able to go to the university of his choice. Farrell always told me he wanted to go to Harvard and study Health Policy, so we can take a load of doctor Carter and help him and his successor run the hospital better.

The girls in our pack seemed to have taken quite a liking to Farrell, they squeal whenever he is around and ask millions of questions. The thing that confuses me the most is that they want to touch his stomach. Then he would beam and let them touch it, and  they would squeal and beam at him. Saying all sorts of stuff where to go when it was time. That and let them know when the time would come. He would nod and they would be on their way, sometimes they passed me and congratulate me. Not knowing what they would be on about I would just smile and thank them.

“So are you going to tell me what this business is all about?” I asked Farrell after school today, a lot of girls were surrounding him today and I didn’t like it at all.  He just frowned at me “ What business do you mean? I am getting my grades back up so there is no problem right?”

Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed “That’s not what I meant, what I meant was what’s with all the girls?” Not knowing this really got me frustrated, even so frustrated that we had a huge argument the other day and he wouldn’t talk to me, or be anywhere near me.

Farrell sighed and got up; as he walked to me I noticed a little bump on his stomach. Little is not a good word; it looked like he gained a few kilos in last couple of months. Because we were at the end of our year and the last tests for this year were coming, we didn’t spend a lot of time together. That and my football practice and games also played a big part in us not being together.

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