Chapter 9

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Alpha Lawson’s P.O.V

“Okay everybody listen up.” My voice boomed across the meeting room, “I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news first; this concerns Missy and Matt, me and the pack elders are in agreement that the best thing for them is leaving our pack. I already spoke to Missy’s parents they agree with me on this. So Missy’s memory about us will be erased before leaving us. As for Matt we decided he should be put down.”

I hear surprised gasps; it’s been years since we carried out such a death sentence. “We do this because what happened to Farrell wasn’t his first crime. We dug deep in his background and found he did some worse stuff too. So with his mother’s consent and the other legal offices that are in fact prosecuting him for his other offences all agreed to the death sentence. On another note; the child I say would join us in a few months’ regretfully died when he ran into rouges.”

As I say this his mother Mary burst into tears, sobbing. Luckily Eleanor was quick enough to guide her out of the meeting room. Everybody was quiet for a while, already mourning Matt’s death. They also mourned the other child’s death.

After a few more beats of silence I continue my speech; “Now the good news; I’m pleased to announce that together with the pack elders we have decided that anyone from the abandoned junkyard is free to join our pack if they choose to.” Everybody cheered quietly, still reeling from the fact that Matt is going to leave us. Sean and Ryan grinned at each other, as the oldest of everyone they decided to come to the pack on behalf of everybody at the junkyard.

Smiling at their reactions “As not many of you know we had another applicant for joining our pack; Genesis McFarlow.” Everybody looked around until they found a petit girl with long black hair and dark rimmed glasses. She was hiding behind Kate; it was obvious that she wasn’t costumed to all the attention she was getting.

I smiled at her, “We accept your application for joining our pack. So welcome to the Sun Warriors!” now the crowd explodes into cheers, whistles and clapping. I smile as I see her peek around Kate and show a shy smile. Farrell grabs her and hugs her tight, which caused Sean to growl at him.

Everybody in the room turned towards the sound. Even Ryan looked at him with an eyebrow raised; meaning the sound also surprised him. Farrell as quick as ever to let her go and moved a safe distance away from her. Genesis looked at him with her big dark eyes, clearly frightened. This caused Sean to be confused, “Sean, she doesn’t know how to react to this. It’s new for her. We are her first pack.”

Thank god he got the hint and slowly made his way over to her and speaks with her about his reaction.

Ryan’s P.O.V

I can’t believe we’re going back to be in a pack, and not just any pack but one of the biggest in the whole of Texas! I was very surprised to see Sean react to the petit girl with long black hair. Not only that but it sounded very possessive too.

While I text the others back at the junkyard that they accepted us, I look around the room for that one person. I stretch on my tippy toes too look over all the heads; I can’t seem to find him. “He’s not here.” A light voice sounds in my ear. Turning I see the white head Matt was so nuts about. I raise an eyebrow, “Mike is not here, he left a little while ago there was something going on with his parents.”

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