chapter 3

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Zayn POV

I thought it was really sweet watching Michelle playing with Kat and I love how comfortable she was with her so I asked Kat she wanted to be the Michelle Nanny because I need someone to watch during the photo shoots and stuff like that I mean Michelle is only 3 happy nice to have someone I can count on there all the time yes I know my family is there when I need them and the same thing for my ex's family when it comes their granddaughter but the thing is I need to have somebody that can be there 24/7 when I'm working and stuff like that they even suggested to me to get a nanny even make sure I did a background check which I did because I am making enough money now as a model doing this I mean how you think I was able to get the condo my life is changed since I left my 3 jobs and I'm doing that and hopefully once I get my college degree I can get the music and that on the go.but after I was done asking Kat about wanting to work for me and she told me about her friend Pamela and what she stunning you much she does for her I know I need to have her safe to her some reason these two girls are like a team like sisters so I offered her a job at Michelle's bodyguard and she's running it by her friend now so hopefully Kat and Pamela will take the jobs

Kat- what is finished talking to Pamela and she has agreed to take the job too she said to tell you the truth she don't find the neighborhood with living in very safe and she's concerned for my daughter and me and I mean she has training that she can handle herself but when it comes to me and my daughter she thinks we need a better place

Zayn - good well I just finished my photo shoot and everything and why don't we get ready and head over to your place and pick your friend daughter up and take you back to my 5 bedroom condo so you will have a bedroom I have my room Michelle has her room Pamela will have a room and Maya will have her own room

Kat- I will be nice to see you too but I'm not coming right now and my daughter sharing  one room and Pamela has her our room and our landlady know we're only there temporarily until we can get a better accommodations because where I got my daughter and she says we're better off going someplace else after this is not a very good neighborhood and she thinks it's right to be there till we can find a place and then we had to have some combinations for now but she recommends getting someplace better she says her  flats are for people like us just starting out she's a long turn tenant for her would be something like a single man  at least they can take care of themselves in this side of town she be happy to know we have something much better for us

Zayn - good now while I go get change and everything can you watch Michelle here and help her pick up her stuff and then we'll go to your place and turn your keys into your landlady and get everything

Kat- well we pretty much came with the clothes on our backs we don't have much furniture most of the furniture and that belongs to her landlady she she had the flat furnished and all the stuff she got in there second hand anyway

Zayn - well I think we can fix it now that I have my condo because believe it or not I have two of the three bedrooms that was not occupied furnished already all we have to do now is make the other room into a nursery for your daughter when she's only one and a half

Kat - thanks I really appreciate that

Zayn - if you don't mind me asking what happened between you and Maya dad

Kat - let's just say he was running around with the wrong crowd and everything and that getting in over his head and I left with him before he got too bad cuz I didn't want that for her and I got full custody of her he's lost his rights to her because of everything that he's been involved with

Zayn - I see you're coming there I have full custody of Michelle because her mother is the same way as Maya's father so I understand what you're talking about there so anyway let's go and get your daughter and your and your friend and that and then we can leave

Kat - okay Pamela can have all her stuff packed up by time I get we get there in the landlady is going to be there just close enough that everything up and that before we leave

Soon after we get to Kat and Pamela falt where there living with Kat's little girl this is definitely not a safe neighborhood for them to be in and I seen the landlady was there too and she looked at them said you girls are doing the right thing now that you have a new job moving out of here and then the lady looked at me and thanked me for giving those girls good job and getting them out of this neighborhood because it's not safe for them to be here especially with a little girl and she said the only reason why she let the girls stay in the neighborhood was because the heating is a place right away and she brought her do that than have them on the street least this way we were able to make sure there was a roof over their head that's why I told them to only stay temporarily till they got better combination she said and I totally agreed with her and she thanked me again for giving them something to do she help the girls out when she could be watching my for them too so I just watched Kat And Pam as they think the woman for everything she did

Pamela - thank you again mrs. Miller for everything you did for us

Mrs Miller - why didn't mind helping you out young girls you are new here and now it's good to know that you've got a better place to go and I know you'll be okay there I mean he's a model and you were trained to be a bodyguard in your being hard to be one of his bodyguards so that's good and I think that's sweet that you're going to be a permanent nanny Kat

Kat - yes it's better than me working 3 or 4 jobs

Pamela - yeah and it's also a lot better than me working at the club as a bouncer holy moly it's a good thing I'm there cuz I mean I tell you the females could be just as Rowdy as the males

Zayn - how bad is that place that you're actually working at that bar sounds to be a bit rough if you ask me

Pamela - and I understand why people don't stay working there very long because of it they stay there until they get a better job is a good starter job but it's something you don't want to stick at the club is called NightLight should be called light fight

Zayn - I had a couple friends that work there and they got out of it they were bartenders and I'm glad they did because that place is crazy for months they told me

Kat- yeah it is so crazy there the Pamela told me never to go over there to see her she said it's bad enough that she has to be there to work least she knows how to handle herself

And with that we head back to my place I can see that we're all going to be great friends but little did I know that eventually my feelings of friendship would be more with Kat

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