chapter 12

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Perrie POV

Ashton I came so close to getting the kids they were supposed to be our meal tickets but no we can't seem to get them now because of the security being bumped f***** up everything on us because now we can't get anywhere near anyone have to come up with something you want to do this I didn't think they were there we would have these obstacles in our way Ashton at the bar and didn't even know that he was in the same situation as I I can and then after a while we can close friends and decided to come up with a plan together in the next thing I know we started dating all you wanted to do was have are meal ticket like because we just wanted to have fun and we don't care about the girls or if we make Zayn and Kat life hell

Ashton - what are you thinking about in that head of yours babe

Perrie -i just thinking about how get the kids so we can get the money we won because now we have a good chance of doing that holding them for ransom everything but look at all the money bring it in when he's a triple threat now

Ashton - yeah I totally agree with you on that because we really got to get the money anyway we're having fun and everything that we need to have money to have her meal ticket and everybody thinks I just want to be a very good time catching up with that I just want to get them so we can get the money long enough to hold of them and then we can go about having a fun again

Perrie - I sometimes wish that you still have that in you still wish you have Kat in your life

Ashton- sometimes I wish you still had in my life so I can make it a living hell still because I think she's my property and I can get away tomorrow I want

Perrie - I wasn't always say there's a kind of lost my way and going on with the wrong crowd now I don't feel like I can finally get back so yeah I'm kinda want to have revenge and I lose my daughter and everything and not to get to have everything I used to have so if I can't have her I might as well use it as a meal ticket right I'm trying to get my revenge for not being able to have my life the way I wanted to be Zayn should still be mine I guess we can't have them is mine will be together like we're doing now baby

I wonder what's going on with them right now but we're definitely going to have to come over the plans somehow the right now everything is f****** put on hold damn it I don't know when we're going to go to make a move next

Meanwhile Zayn POV

I still can't get over the fact that my ex will try to come over and kidnap my Dollar Plus Ashton who happens to the Kat exs is up to something as well
So I really think right now we need to really put a stop to it before it gets out of hand right now I'm sitting up here thinking making sure everybody safe and sound I don't even know if I should get some sleep myself I just want to make sure the girls are safe so I'm staying up half the night looking at keeping an eye on them

Pamela - hay I think you should get some sleep don't worry so much about the girls I mean there's me and all the other bodyguards for working and shifts so nobody gets sleep deprived get some sleep you gotta work tomorrow I mean you got to be in the studio plus you got photoshoot special even have to act on the TV show tomorrow is a busy schedule for you man I don't think you want to show up to work sleep deprived to you right now there's me and 6 other bodyguards making sure everything is okay here we even got the security about them Scotland Yard is here around the house just get some sleep

Zayn - yeah I guess you're right about that. I can barely keep my eyes open

Kat ( comes out of the bedroom) - baby come on the bed I can't sleep without you next to me right now because you are well it's helping me get through everything and I'm having the nightmares again Pamela said Scotland Yard around how to do double time so come on if you sleep during a different shift so we'll all get some sleep as well

Zayn - what does cross my mind what if they try to go after your son Pamela he's going to college and staying into a dorm

Pamela - already called him about everything that's going on and I told him it's going to be around in the evening from the University security about what's going on and those bodyguards going to be outside his door to make sure he's OK and if it gets too crazy he's going to come and stay here until things die down tomorrow the next day we'll figure it out but right now everybody just needs to get some rest but I did not pass my mind at all there's no way I'm going up Overlook something that's my own son's safety you know what I mean so I'm on top of everything and I can't sleep

What I decide to go on the bed with me because I'm number 2 to 1

Kat -
baby I don't know what I'll do with Ashton finds me and tries to do something to me because I tell you the truth it's so hard trying to get away without having to deal with him

Zayn - babies not going to do nothing if I can't do anything about it okay it's me and you and everybody else here and make sure the girls are safe we'll stop them one way or another

One Way Or Another We're going to stop this before it gets out of hand that's a promise I'm going to keep

Zayn Triple ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now