chapter 13

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Zayn POV

It's a day like any other day I'm up and I'm at work trying to figure out what to do I'm wondering if my girls are okay but I have a feeling that they are because they're safe and sound back at my house what does many bodyguards making sure they're ok and Pamela is definitely making sure they are fine as well she definitely a step it up doing her job as head of my security I'm thinking of her more of a sister than anything else these days

Liam ( shows of the to Zayn at the Studio) - hey man how you holding up and everything I mean I know you're a triple threat and everything you're doing pretty good with your career just like I'm doing good with my rap career but I heard that your love life is changed in a good way but there's also a bit of drama has that happened

Zayn - you see it's like this me and my new girlfriend are both having problems with our exes her ex Ashton is trying to get back in her life and of course. Trying to Michelle again

Liam - I hope you have a really good security around you whenever they now and Scotland Yard involved

Zayn - trust me I got a really good team around me believe it or not I hired my girlfriend's best friend as my head of security and let's just say she definitely knows her stuff and she's on top of everything for a shower will by the way my head of security is dating Louis so yeah him and her are cute together

Liam - he told me that you heard your girlfriend's best friend as your head of security and he's dating her now that's good to know that you both got people in your life and everything in that now but I wish you would be able to move around without having to deal with your ex's

Zayn - yes because I deal with your ex's how is everything going with you and me not having any problems with Sophie anymore

Liam - nope I moved on with a new girl and everything like that and I've got custody of mine and Sophia son and she is same as Perrie getting in with the wrong crowd just not a good thing if you ask me oh by the way I wanted to ask you something I got a detour coming up before you even get going with one so I was wondering if you wanted to open up for me get your name out there more there more man or we can headline one toward another man that'd be pretty cool

Zayn - yeah I think that would be really cool just be like me having someone there that I can count on and everything and that for when I go to hit the stage and stuff understands what it's like to be a former so yeah that be cool

Liam - that's really cool man

As me and Liam where talking Pamela and Kat showed up at the girls and I think there was a teenage boy with them and then I look closely I could tell it was  Pamela son David

Zayn - I see you brought your son and everything with you

Pamela - yeah because Ashton tried to show up at his university and cause trouble so I told him and got the girls and came here to try to go back around here so definitely up to something and Scotland Yard is looking into it for sure

David - I wanted to thank you Zayn for helping me pay for my University and everything mom said you were being a big help

Zayn - no problem there kid I consider you guys family considering that your mother is the closest family Kat  has right now

David - well we would do anything we could to help out aunt Kat and that's a good thing because she's always been there for us as much as we've been there for her as well we've all been in that situation where you have one parent that don't care been there done that so I don't want to look back and moving forward

Zayn - you're one very smart wise teenager kid anyway I'm going to get back to work and I'm doing this and right now I'm in the middle of writing a song called full for you and another one called Golden and I got a feeling these songs are going to rock by the time I'm done with them

Kat - you are absolutely right about that baby because I overheard you last night when you were trying to figure out the Melodies and everything for writing golden it sounded so beautiful

Zayn - well that's a good thing because to tell you the truth aspire me to write my song Baby. Given me a lot of support which I really appreciate having you in my corner

Kat -(kiss Zayn)

Zayn - ( kiss back)

Liam - hey don't get too carried away with the kissing and everything right now you guys got work to do and stuff not to mention that stuff you guys and hanging and save for when you're in the bedroom LOL

David - yeah I gave me thanks my favorite rapper here has a point

Pamela - and trust me or my son says that you're his favorite rapper he means of time let's just say he has all your albums to date

David - what can I say he makes really good music man

Kat - yeah I know he makes really good music I think I'm the one who got you kid into liking that rapper LOL

Liam - what's a good thing to know that I got all you guys to have my back as fans and everything hope that reminds me man not to mention you there's a party going over on Harry Styles house in the next couple of days so maybe you should drop by and see how things are going I mean he's a model just like you and he wants to get to know you better but then again he's one of her best friends for years he just wants to understand why you decided to model lol

Zayn - well there was no way I was going to turn down a chance to have a job and make a lot of money so I can support my daughter when Opportunity Knocks you're going to take it right

I just pray and hope that their son really happens later on nobody gets hurt I Gotta Feeling them right now but I'm going to step things up around here I have to make sure that Michelle and Kat are my number one priority, with Maya because once I adopt that little girl there is no way in hell anybody is coming back into her life to hurt her

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